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Posts posted by Exodus

  1. Take pics of those reverse lights, NOW.. Fix them and take the same pics of them functioning properly. This is not your typical white light in rear, and a pretty BS ticket if I do say so myself (pending your attitude during the stop of course).

    I was great. I was literally pulling into neighborhood, as I was pulled over. She asked where I lived and I pointed to my street. She also asked if I had Marijuana in my car and that it smelled funny lol. (It was probably the half eaten jr. bacon cheeseburger in the wendys bag) I told her of course not.

  2. I got a ticket because my reverse light was stuck on. The ticket is "emitting white light". I didn't know how much it was for, so I looked up the code and it costs 126.00 I think that's excessive for such a small problem. I could have pissed in public and had a cheaper ticket. There are actually some pretty crazy things you can get ticketed for. Here is the link.




  3. Who is your ISP? I think that has a bit to do with it as well. jeffro mentioned he has Insight and that's who I have (for now) as well. I believe they are one of the ISP's out there who still won't give customer info out when the production companies come calling saying they got one of their people downloading their stuff. Insight seems to say, well, we'll get it straightened out, shuts your internet down, has you call and make a pinky promise that you won't do it again and off you go.


    I have a friend in Oregon who ended up paying around $2,000 for Constantine because he got caught and I always make fun of him for it because that's just a really, really bad movie to get caught on...lol.




  4. proxies help, but are still traceable if the correct authority wants you bad enough.


    they shut my internet off. whenever i would try to navigate to a page, it would always forward me to this message from road runner explaining how i infringed a copyright and that i needed to call insight communications to get the issue resolved. needless to say i was shitting my pants. i took both my HDDS out of my computer and hid them at work (lol). i later called insight and the the gentleman on the phone then asked me if it was i or not that downloaded the torrent from starz media. I, trying to sound as dumb as possible about computers and networks, explained that we did have wifi, and that i thought it was unsecured. and that i hadnt downloaded and i didnt know how to download shit. he then said i needed to secure my network, and if it happened again, there would be legal action taken. scariest 3 days of my life.



  5. do not download the crazies from piratebay. i downloaded it a few months ago and it was tracked and my ISP was in contact with me shortly after. be careful.


    What did they say? I saw the crazies on netflix.. wasn't too impressed.


    Can I use an IP changer or mac address changer?

  6. Problems with our economy and people not buying? Yeah...


    :) Kidding. I used Napster, Frostwire, and Limewire back in the day. Just iTunes now though.


    I use itunes on my iphone if i'm on the road... but now I can use dtunes from cydia :)


    And obama is a problem with our economy

  7. What site you using? I use demoniod for my trackers. The least amount of junk and good reviews of the stuff i get.


    I'm bit torrent as my client, and kickasstorrents.com to download stuff. I read reviews first of course.


    Also, its amazing what peerblock is blocking right now.

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