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Posts posted by Exodus

  1. I HATED all of my Windows Mobile phones I've had (couple HTC units and a Treo Pro), so I can't imagine liking this.


    I agree all the old windows mobile 2002-6.5 all sucked. But this is a completely different UI than the old ones. I test drove the HD7 yesterday and it is nicely responsive and everything loads surprisingly fast compared to my iphone. Even Netflix looked better on it.

  2. I like my gen 1 Zune, if the Zune HD is as nice flowing only with more shit, then why MS didn't use that and throw in phone shit and make it a direct competitor to the ifruit rather than to android is beyond me.


    The zune HD is basically windows mobile 7 just fancier with a ton more options.


    At the base of Zune HD is windows CE I assume the same for WM7.

  3. Doesnt even have copy/paste, or multitasking. Even iphone's have half ass multitasking.


    It has half ass multitasking, but im sure it will get better over time. Also I think copy and paste will be released early next year.

  4. Just went to t-mobile to check out the HD7 and its smooth, its on the HSPA+ network and its super fast. Netflix loads videos way faster than my iphone. I like it, The only thing it lacks is the number of apps I have on my iphone.
  5. Your Ohio driver abstract spans the previous two-year period.


    License Status as of 10/28/2010: VALID









    Looks like I need to get to work. All my reckless ops fell off.




    How long does it take for 2pts to fall off? 3 years I heard??

  6. I called the bmv and they said the online driving record is no different than the copy you pay 8 bucks for at the BMW.





    I input all my information awhile back and it showed I had 10 points... I know.. bad..


    But today I checked and I only count 6 points. According to my calculations no points should have dropped off until Novermber 27th of this year.


    Any Ideas?

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