I will list everything when I get home but the stuff I know off the top of my head I can go ahead ad put up here. I have 2 or 3 stock intake manifolds, a 5 speed transmission from a 4g63 fwd non turbo (I believe a 2nd gen), stock fuel rail, stock springs, and lifters. I'll have to look to see what else I have. $20 for an intake manifold, $50 for the transmission, $20 for the fuel rail, $20 for the springs and lifters (dont know the exact count on springs and lifters but they can all go for the $20). Like I said I need to get rid of at least some of this stuff so I dont have to pack it up so I am open to offers. Also if you are looking for something I dont have listed get with me I may be able to come up with it for you pretty cheap due to me having a lot of stuff back down home also (which i wont be listing that stuff since it is already down there). 740-516-0831 after 6pm if you want to reach me because im not on here. Thanks