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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Any other Magnum fans here? Tom Selleck talks about doing the movie on a radio show http://www.aolcdn.com/tmz_audio/0518_tom_selleck.mp3 Rumors of the movie have been going around for years but now it is finally i pre production. I have seen several articles saying that Matthew McConaughey or Ben Affleck will have the leading role. I hope they dot make it into another Starsky and Hutch. Tom Selleck needs to star along with all the original people. The last time I was in Hawaii (September 07) I talked to Eve Anderson (she owns "Robins Nest"), she said that she has been approached by the studio and is willing to have them film at the original location.
  2. I am not saying this to bust your nutz, but marriage is a compromise. Most marriages fail because one or both of the partners need to grow up and stop being selfish. The best solution is to find out the core problem in the marriage and fix it. And before you say "mine cant be fixed".... all marriages cant be fixed. Best of luck
  3. Cheaper to keep your wife!
  4. you turd... that is twice i clicked on that link
  5. I another life, my friends and I menaced the east side of Columbus throwing water balloons at people. I look back and I feel sorry for the people that we did that to. I remember driving over the Courtwright Rd. over pass and there was a black guy with an afro walking across the bridge. My friend smacked him with the balloon from behind and about knocked him over. Karma has got me back over the years for my stupid actions!
  6. This will catch up to them someday. click for vid
  7. I fail to see why people spend money on those...
  8. Sounds like you got it covered then.
  9. You could fill a thread bout Honey. It is good for wound healing and cough suppression. About a month or two ago a study came out saying Honey was better than OTC cough meds. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/ColdFlu/Story?id=3947988&page=2 Honey has also been studied in burn care also.
  10. I have an RC10T I would be willing to get rid of...
  11. I had cold pizza the next morning for breakfast. I did not have a problem at all.
  12. I would not doubt that in the near future.
  13. HAOLE

    Holiday Lights

    You need horse whipped.
  14. http://www.thewheelconnection.com/php/showpicture.php?brand=Dub&name=Blessinem Don't you guys think these have my name written all over them?
  15. I am glad my pain could make you laugh.
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