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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. We are turning into a Gestapo state. Now we have become forced spies on our neighbors. This is not a new concept. The Ohio State Chiropractic board issued new laws/rules that require us to report any questionable activity of another provider to them or face penalties.
  2. All I want is the key chain. j/k
  3. http://www.pmwf.com/PMWFGallery/Archive/JohnBHolbrookII_Rolex2ToneSubmariner.jpg That is what I asked for. But I doubt I get it.
  4. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    Go un-confuse that woman.
  5. I think anyone that tries to remake the classics should be shot.
  6. Umm. Adam Sandler is Jewish. Something is not right about him or Neil Diamond singing Christmas songs.
  7. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    Your mom is a liberal??? :eek2: Well I guess we all have shameful people in our famillies.
  8. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    I am not 100% Ron Paul, but I do think he has teeth when it comes to the primaries. Don't count him out.
  9. Here are mine: 1. White Christmas- Bing Crosby 2. Blue Christmas- Elvis 3. Little St. Nick- Beach Boys
  10. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    Stick a fork in him he is done! I think he just does not have a solid message. If he does he is not getting it out very well.
  11. Whats your address? I will come over and check it out once you go to work!
  12. Cincinnati has a few more hills than up here. I do agree that area sucks. My family is from just across the river in Bellview and Dayton. My house last year during the snow: http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN1451.jpg
  13. Anyone up for a dig race today?
  14. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    Howard is on the right track!
  15. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    Most of the problems we have is due to ignoring the constitution. Our founding father were smart guys and I think the frame work that was set forth should be followed. It is called devaluation of the currency. That is why the dollar of today is only worth about $.04 when compared to 1910. After the fed reserve came on line it gave the banks a cartel like dominance over the economy. they have been given the right to print money and dump it on the market, therefore driving down the buying power of the dollar. As fas a not being enough money to go around. We would not have enough money to go around if the current inflated prices continue. In the event of going back to a gold standard the prices will reset according to the market forces, and the number of dollars available. In short that loaf of bread the you paid $3.00 for may only $1.50 after. Because there will be less currency in circulation. How will that effect the mortgage/loans that are already in the market, I am not completely sure. I would assume that some sort of market adjustment would need to be made to reflect the change in the available dollars. The international currency market would see a resurgence of the dollars value. The thing that scares me the most is the amount of debt that is held by foreign powers. Just like when you have a large mortgage you become the indentured servant to the bank, the same thing is happening to the US. we are now the servant of China. No matter if we make a move to Gold standard now or we wait, it will hurt either way. Little pain now, or we go the way of the Romans later.
  16. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    Good press for Ron Paul. http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20071204/ts_csm/apaulsurge
  17. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    So fill us in and give us dumb northerners some edumacation.
  18. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    I think Thompson and Paul are the only two worth while on the GOP side.
  19. this looks fun!!!! http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/FSAE/DSC02959.jpg
  20. Your are 100% right! As long as you realize that this problem has long preceded any administration that any of us have lived through. If you want to point finger make sure go back to Woodrow Wilson and Senator Aldrich et al.
  21. Well said. Clinton seems to be the liberal wet dream of the perfect president. The "do what feels good crowd" Clinton embodied the ideal model of the liberal representative. Do what you want, then blame someone else for your problems. This continues to this day. Bush gets flack for the economy, but people forget Clinton holding a press conference about 8 months before his term running out talking about the slowing economy. Is Bush the best president? Nope. I think he is the right guy for the times though. Not perfect by any means. I think it is funny that the Bush haters/Clinton sack riders have very short memories. They forget that Clinton(s) said Iraq had WMD's. He had UN sanction levied based on those statements too. Mrs. Clinton Voted to invade. But all of this get swept under the rug.
  22. That will make the Christmas budget tight!
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