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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I feel like a gimp for the past year!
  2. Can someone donate toys for my kids toy drive? needed things... 50cc quad, slot car track, new gun for dad etc. p.s. Daddy also wants a Rolex Submariner or Yachtmaster in stainless.
  3. One case where the club is still a good thing!
  4. Liberals will rejoice, the Mo's will marry, and pot will be legal.
  5. Good for you Bill, you do have a heart after all.
  6. I stayed home with the wife and kids and saved a lot of cash!
  7. Wow, a 2.3 for with a leaking valve cover. I would suggest getting a silicon gasket from Ford Motorsports. That one has steel inserts that prevent you from over tightening it.
  8. Guys, The thread is meant to be funny. Have a laugh.
  9. I used it once. I thought I was going to have an infarction.
  10. They have been living together for over thirty years and they take baths at the same time. :gay2:
  11. I have long thought that the "PC" stuff has gone to far. This is another example. Click Edit: Now that I think about it they may be right on. Bert and Ernie are gay. Kids don't need to see that.
  12. I would say that Scott his been closer to those people than either one of us. Living there and patrolling is going to give you more knowledge than ABC, NBC, or CBS give us.
  13. Spot on. The media and our government would have you to believe that they hate us becuase we a free. I don't think that is the case at all. The hate us because of Israel and our unshakable support of that country. Anything that Israel does the US will support or turn a blind eye to. The Israel/Jewish lobby is the most powerful lobby in America. If you really think the white anglo-saxon protestants control this country you need to look a hair deeper.The Jewish lobby and business control more than the w.a.s.p. does. Look at the candidates for president this time. The only one that has not paid homage to the Jewish lobby and Israel is Ron Paul. Because of this he gets ignored in the media for the most part. One of the first thing Mitt Romney did after saying he was running was make a trip to Israel. And before someone says it, I am not antisemitic. I am just looking at the facts.
  14. I got to see him jump in person when I was a kid at Kings Island.
  15. I would say that that is the major contributor to a devalued dollar. Therefore this will lower you buying power and make you work harder and longer to have the same lifestyle. Read The Creature From Jekyll Island by Griffin. This will fill you in. Or check out the videos in this thread: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42829
  16. I am surprised no one has mentioned this family. They have more to do with the centralized wealth in this country than any CEO. They are responsible for how our economy works today, ie The Federal Reserve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_family
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