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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Free... pick it up this week. It still has good tread. I will be in Columbus on Saturday and Sunday I could bring it down.
  2. We will have to agree to disagree.
  3. Lying under oath is perjury and is a Felony. The subject of the perjury is of no consequence.
  4. Problem 1 Clinton knew and failed to act. Problem 2 Clinton had the authority to act and did NOTHING beside throw a few stones to get attention off of Monica. Problem 3 Clinton was/is a liar and committed a crime. That is why he was impeached. Your right that is what Clinton accomplished... give them a bloody nose and make them bolder and more angry. It taught the guys like Bin Laden that America and the administration would not stand and fight.
  5. No matter what people will ALWAYS be killing each other. That is just the way it is. MAybe if the people protesting Darfur would put a little effort into our county we would not be killing our own children and calling a "medical" procedure. I would bet more babies are killed in the US than people have died in Darfur. Come to think of it the stars would not put effort toward reducing abortions, that is one of the great pillars of the liberal faith. /rant
  6. I think I have a Bulldog unit in my Garage. If I have it you can get it for $25 I can install them too.
  7. Why start now? Both of my children were born at St. Anns.....WOW (If you have been there in the maternity ward, you can read between the lines)
  8. I forgot about Somolia... That was very sad. On top of leaving the troops hanging in the wind he opened the doors for them to come to the US. Nothing but a Slap in the face! Just look at the Morse road area. Ever get a cab in Columbus?
  9. .. The Clinton-Gore energy policy has had a huge effect on our economy and continues to this day. Do you ever wonder why we have energy prices that are out of control? IMHO it is because the Clinton-Gore regime stalled EVERY effort to produce our own energy. Anyone remember then Clinton interrupting oil exploration because someone finds an animal living in the are that might be threatened? The funny thing is the ones that gripe about how Bush has drove prices up fail to look into the past. On top of that they are commonly the tree huggers that protest for the animals then complain that we cant refine our own oil. That is just one way the Clinton-Gore regime harmed our economy. Another way they harmed the economy was to go after companies and try to break them up. For example Microsoft. The Regime fought long and hard to take down Microsoft because they thought it was popular to take on the evil big business. At least that is what the focus groups told them (The Clinton policy making machine).
  10. Many people died due to Clintons inactivity on the growing mid-east problems.
  11. Your right! We should go back to how Clinton handled things... put your head in the sand and pretend things are ok.
  12. Oh young one of short memory.... Don't shift the focus to Bush and dodge the question. As soon as one of you answer the question I posed first. Then I will tell you all about the things he did that directly contributed to the economic woes that we have now. Just answer the question.
  13. Th problem is it is a trick question that has no answer.
  14. So again.... What did he do that made things so good? Stop the Bush bashing for a moment and answer the question. The Bush bashing is a typical liberal response because they cannot produce one single thing that Slick Willy did in 8 years to help the economy.
  15. I have never found one thing he did that helped the US.
  16. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/John.jpg Question answered. Ad Hominem this!
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