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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. "prayer does not work...." Glad to hear the good news!!!
  2. I bet your car looked like Snot Rod in the cars movie. :grin2:
  3. Good Job Tommy.... You coming out Friday?
  4. They did me right with my supra rim that got cracked...
  5. HAOLE

    Mt. Vernon 6.0

    Ask and you shall receive details
  6. Please get him a helmet, I have seen people die from that type of injury.
  7. I just bought a brand new Kirby about a month ago. I also own a Dyson DC14 I will tell you the Kirby is a WAY better vacuum. Not that the Dyson is bad, but the Kirby is on a whole different level. I only paid $800 brand new for my Kirby with all the accessories. This is the one I have. http://www.kirbysentria.ru/aparat/kirby_sentria_big_BG2.jpg
  8. Sounds like another Scott and Lacy Peterson type case.... SAD Did you hear what the little boy said? "Mommy is crying" "Mommy broke the table" "Mommy in the rug"
  9. There is absolutely no way to polish a turd.
  10. I rebuilt a ford 2.3 and put the rear main seal in backwards. I did not find out until the engine was back in the car, spewing oil onto the ground. Needless to say I had to pull the engine back out and replace the rear main seal then reinstall it. A lot of work for a .50 seal.
  11. You can get your APC stickers online cheap.... J/K
  12. not born yet.... I am old!
  13. HAOLE

    broke my hand?

    I can x-ray it if you want... PM me
  14. 1. Tony Soprano 2. Paulie Walnuts 3. B.J. Palmer-Developer of Chiropractic 4. D.D. Palmer-Founder of Chiropractic 5. Clay Thompson -Chiropractic pioneer 6. Ronald Reagan 7. Fred Thompson 8. Adolf Hitler 9. Any WWII veteran 10. My Mother- RIP 10-28-94 Numbered, but not in any certain order.
  15. Maybe they should have burnt the whole neighborhood down with it.... When I was a teenager we used to break into that building and play laser tag. We had access to the cat walks and all. We had fun until the Whitehall cops started showing up.
  16. Speeds is gone? I guess I dont get over there much....
  17. If I was not lazy I would get in the truck and roll down there.
  18. I have seen them on the net...
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