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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. here is what I see in the lan settings: http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/screen2-1.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/screen1-1.jpg I did not remove the entries labled NW because I was not 100% sure about those. I would assume NW refers to Net Ware, but a lot of people crash computers assuming things.
  2. That is what I assumed is that is really embeded deeply. I will check on the IPX. I did remove all of the Novell stuff from the lan settings. Why in the world would they not include an uninstall utility?
  3. I have a computer at my office that had netware client 4.3 installed. I have since stopped using the novell network, and have attempted to remove the client per the instructions the Novell site. Now I am getting a message at start up saying it cannot connect to the network, even though I removed the client and am not using a novell network any longer. On top of that...it is now taking forever to shut down. Any clues? Thanks
  4. You could put your grill on it, have a few more people on board. Set-up lawn chairs ect.
  5. What ever way you decide to handle the deposit... put it in writing. If something does go bad, documentation is present. my .02
  6. yes please do... I tried to pm you this am too
  7. A pontoon boat would be sweet for that.
  8. Tommys was at Livingston and Hamilton. The had the best subs in the world. Talking about pizza is making me hungry!
  9. Cardo's was good, I knew the owner so we got a discount. Tommys was the best though.
  10. QFT hahah I cant remember the last time I hear the name Gold Circle. Anyone ever have Tommys pizza?
  11. I think if I owned the place I would not want the chance of a dog fight or a dog taking a leak on something.
  12. Why would they let dogs or any other animals into the malls?
  13. nice work. I have never seen a radiator like that.
  14. I wont disagree... its tacky!
  15. very sad story.... Mt. Vernon covered
  16. I grew up over the bridge from Eastland. I try to avoid going back to that side of town because it makes me mad what it has turned into. When my parents bought their home in '75 it was a great area, by the 90's it was dangerous. I left in 94 and moved to St. Louis, glad I did.
  17. HAOLE


    I know it is going to hurt.... but mensan, we are through, I moved on to someone else You still did not answer me!
  18. HAOLE


    what thread of yours did I hijack?
  19. HAOLE


    please start another thread for that if you wish.
  20. Tell that to an LPN at a nursing home that is understaffed.
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