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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Catherine Bell from JAG is a beautiful lady... http://wwwimage.cbs.com/primetime/jag/images/cast/jag_bio_bell.jpg
  2. Waiting for you to get your frontal lobe back in order. Kind of sounds like your S5 dermatome has been stimulate too much
  3. I had a guy change his mind on a property I was going to buy for my office. We agreed on the price and terms then when the papers were in front of him the terms suddenly changed. If you make a deal keep it... your word is you most valuable asset.
  4. Just trying to figure your words out, meaning is lost in the arial font. I do apologize doc I did miss read your bashing post, sorry
  5. Doc, I see where you get your position. It seems you are taking the line of the APA. Come on Doc, think for yourself.... that is what I have been told on here. Click for Tilleys position statement
  6. Still waiting for you to find my hypocrisy....
  7. really.... I hope you meant a e-beating, otherwise I "might" be scared
  8. And you keep pressing your silly left wing liberal ideas on them too. So we are even.
  9. You put words in my mouth. If you could care less... why post? What issues will we have?
  10. I have seen no one say this, or insinuate it.
  11. I bet you are too.. Let me revise this. A hypocrite is someone that says one thing and does another. I don't see where I have done that...
  12. At least I don't think a guy screwing another is normal
  13. Can you make a DVD of that I would love to have it too.
  14. QFT... It does not matter how old the episodes are. They are still great. Did anyone see the lady run down the isle and her boobs fell out of the halter top. I laughing so hard I was crying.
  15. Keep your liberal agendas to yourself, then I will do the same.
  16. You started a thread to tell people to get out of other business, but your doing the same thing they are.
  17. That is seriously the best video in a while. I bet the friends of the perp will think twice about pulling that crap.
  18. Did that come with pedals?
  19. Anyone watching? Funny stuff!
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