No way can a time table be kept from the public. Troop movements of that size are a massive undertaking. As soon as we start to plan a withdraw the public and terrorist will be aware of it.
The intelligence from multiple countries, including the liberal mecca of France pointed to Iraq having WMD. As a matter of fact WMD materials and prohibited weapons were
“President Saddam Hussein has recently told the head of the Palestinian political office, Faroq al-Kaddoumi, his decision to raise the sum granted to each family of the martyrs of the Palestinian uprising to $25,000 instead of $10,000,” Tariq Aziz
This may not be al-Qaeda, but the funding of terrorist is just as bad!
I cannot comment on that because I did not see the interview.
I stand with the President. I don't think that our country has the guts anymore to fight tough wars. The American people want a quick decisive War with no deaths on either side. WARS are tough, people die! That is the way it is.
My heart goes out to all of the soldiers and their families that keep us safe. Speaking of keeping us safe, many forget that NO FURTHER attacks have occurred on our soil since the war on terror has been going on. I would venture to say that is a good aspect in a bad situation.
I do not agree 100% with all of Bush's policies, with the war I am with him 100%. Kill them in the sand box, I don't want to live like the people of Israel. Fearing the next car bomb, wondering if my kids will make it home from school due to someone blowing the bus up, is not the way I want to live. For those that say that would never happen in the US, the best way to keep it from happening is to stop it before it starts.