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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I bought my GSR there from a guy named steve... seemed like a fair guy
  2. I am starting a silver recovery business. We are going to pull the silver from medical x-ray films and I have a few questions about the process, and the chemicals that will be used. Thanks
  3. During the fight with Gannon... Kimbos crew will not allow anything other than boxing. As soon as knees, elbows or ground n' pound come around they punk out.
  4. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/1173585328muk9cbiSHL6an5vBX0jvWfijE.jpg Good reason why having left over screws and bolts is not a good thing!
  5. The oposite of what I am against is where I stand. Simple concept. A degree in chiropractic has nothing to do with my political viewpoints. It is common for chiropractors to be on the complete opposite spectrum of my political view points. I worked very hard and spent the majority of my adult life so far to get that name tag, I will wear it as I please and be very proud of it. If you ever get one, I hope you wear it to, and be proud of it. Right and wrong have no shades of gray.. that is called fence sitting.
  6. I have said it once and I will say it again. Kimbo is a good boxer but will NOT hold up to a moderately talented MMA fighter. I would love to see him take on any Pride fighter!
  7. Imho this is the break down of the dems/liberals 1. Deep down they are good people with noble aspirations that are mislead into thinking that doing for others is the best thing. Sometimes it is best for a man to stand on his own. Also hunger and a roof over your head is a good motivator to succeed in life. 2. Fail to understand that individuals have the ability to fend for themselves. Many times the good intentions to protect people from harm is based on "feelings". For example affirmative action. In its inception it was needed, but at this point in time, it is only serving to keep minorities with a feeling of inability to succeed with out help. 3. Have a hard time taking a stand in positions that may be unpopular, but morally right. ie. gay marriage. More and more, it is socially popular to be a "Mo", that does not make it right. Just because Hollywood portrays it as cool does not reshape the morals that have stood for centuries. 4. Tend to believe that others should follow what they say is right, but ignore their own advice. For example Al Gore telling all of us the earth is going to die because of global warming but he goes to events in a private jet instead of flying commercial using less fuel per-person. Flame on, you moveon.orgers
  8. HAOLE

    Impeach Bush ?

    Nazi... I think not. That is a typical Liberal response to someone with veiws other than yours. http://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/albums/germans/nazi_parade_23_03_05.jpg :bs: So who will soon challenge us? Russians? Chinese? North Korea? "Fox news is entertainment" What do you call CNN, MSNBC CBS, ABC? I call it fiction and fantasy! Let me get you a bandaid for that bleeding heart... http://www.pudgygreeting.com/graphics/alloccassion/bandaid.jpg
  9. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/cookiemonstercopy.jpg
  10. HAOLE

    Impeach Bush ?

    1.Cheney, Rumsfield, Rove don not run the country. Sounds like more Hollywood -Al Franken crap. 2. The national debt will come down. Anytime wars are fought they are fought with borrowed money.But maybe if we did not have so many government agencies, and liberal cry me a river hand out programs we would not have as much debt as we do. 3. Bad intelligence report do not constitute a lie. The information came from multiple countries and multiple administrations of our own government. Clinton was saying the same things about Saddam when he was in office. The only difference is the Bush had the "Nutz" to do something, where Clinton ran his presidency by the polls. 4 Congress hardly working is a good thing. If they are working that means they are passing laws for you and I to follow. Therefore larger government and more debt. 5. Fox News. 6.True 7.Bush has admitted that things have not gone as planed. When it comes to changing things, every liberal comes out from under the woodwork and starts to moan and grip about an escalation. I think the Libs want to play patty-cake with the terrorist. War is about beating the opponent into submission by the use of overwhelming force. We have the biggest baddest military in the history of the world. We need to use it to get the Job done! The rules of engagement are screwed up. From what I understand we are not allowed to enter any Mosque over there when it is obvious the insurgents are in the places of worship... Take the Gloves off! 8. Because we are the big kid on the block that has the biggest stick!
  11. HAOLE

    Impeach Bush ?

    AT 6:59 AM? CLICK HERE
  12. I have a Z71 Suburban. Third row standard . It has been a great truck so far. I get about 17-18 to the gallon, not bad for a big truck.
  13. I dont know if I would chuckle about that...
  14. HAOLE

    Impeach Bush ?

    So we have a "cut and runner" on the board. We tried the "cut and run " logic in somalia were did that get us? A big hole in NYC, the side of the penagon wiped out and airplane in a field in Pa. It is a good thing that this generation was not around for WWII we would be eating sushi and sauerkraut. Iwo Jima, 25,281 casualties, with 5,598 dead for one battle. That is ONE battle. So far we have fought a 6 year war on terror and the US has not reached the level of Iwo Jima. tyr·an·ny /ˈtɪrəni/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[tir-uh-nee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -nies. 1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. 2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler. 3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler. 4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler. 5. undue severity or harshness. 6. a tyrannical act or proceeding. Please tell me what part of this applies our governmet?
  15. stop by the office.... almost time for Mt. Vernon 6.0
  16. Your are out of luck. In Ohio "professional fees are protected... what I mean by that is no matter the outcome you came be billed for the services. For example, you go to the hospital having a heart attack, you die because they were busy that night, your wife will still get the bill for it. Or in my office you come to me due to a herniated disk, I work on you and you don't get better, you still get the bill. Or in your case, the doc puts in a screw thats too long... tough luck you get the bill. I know it sounds harsh but that is the way it is. If it was not that way the Doc's would be issuing refunds anytime someone said they did not like the outcome of the procedure
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