Imho this is the break down of the dems/liberals
1. Deep down they are good people with noble aspirations that are mislead into thinking that doing for others is the best thing. Sometimes it is best for a man to stand on his own. Also hunger and a roof over your head is a good motivator to succeed in life.
2. Fail to understand that individuals have the ability to fend for themselves. Many times the good intentions to protect people from harm is based on "feelings". For example affirmative action. In its inception it was needed, but at this point in time, it is only serving to keep minorities with a feeling of inability to succeed with out help.
3. Have a hard time taking a stand in positions that may be unpopular, but morally right. ie. gay marriage. More and more, it is socially popular to be a "Mo", that does not make it right. Just because Hollywood portrays it as cool does not reshape the morals that have stood for centuries.
4. Tend to believe that others should follow what they say is right, but ignore their own advice. For example Al Gore telling all of us the earth is going to die because of global warming but he goes to events in a private jet instead of flying commercial using less fuel per-person.
Flame on, you moveon.orgers