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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I wonder if you could get work comp for that?
  2. At one time mine was REAL bad. Once I got out of the eastside it calmed down, but it took years. Now I am mellow for the most part. I try my best to treat people well.
  3. The down side of this is, we wont have as many people to flame. Then it will get boring with out someone being like martin or the zainesvillepgt guy... Edit: I forgot about bottlefedfocus
  4. How do you like the bleeding heart liberal in video 3?
  5. simple way to solve problem... $35 for small claims court filing fee and let Judge Judy decide!
  6. This is why we need to secure our boarders... It wont be long and we may have these day labor sites in Ohio. Day labor 3
  7. HAOLE

    Probe Parts Wanted

    Don't we have rules about post that ramble on, with no grammar? That must be the longest paragraph ever!
  8. HAOLE

    Probe Parts Wanted

    Both of you need to hit the books... slander is spoken, libel is written. If something untrue and negative is on the forum it is libel. FYI
  9. HAOLE

    Probe Parts Wanted

    you should be banned
  10. sounds like that could have been from the Mt. Vernon Walmart
  11. I have been told they don't for the soft drinks... I have never been on a cruise
  12. HAOLE

    Lathe, Mill Help

    I have been involved with machine tools all of my life. Here is my advice... 1. Look for an older unit, they are better built! For example the bridgeport mills from the 1940's will outlast a brand new one. Most of the mills made after the 1970's went to a thin wall casting, that made the machine lighter than before. They are susceptible to chatter in the piece, due to not being able to absorb the vibration. 2. Old Chinese machine are junk. They quality of the castings are not good. The materials they are made of are cheap. If you find an old (1980 or earlier) Chinese mill or lathe I will almost guarantee they will need to be reworked. The ways are most likely shot. On the other hand the newer Chinese stuff is as good as anything else being produced. 3. Go find an old Southbend or Lablond lathe, and an old bridgeport mill. Then spend a couple of bucks to have my dad check it out. He will be able to tell you if it is worth anything. Just because someone threw a coat of paint on it does not mean the machine will hold tolerance. Good luck
  13. you might be able to pick up a deal on a cruise. About 400ea plus airfare. You don't have to buy food or drinks that save $$. Skip meals out for the next month and go for it!
  14. I see people with truck out on it every once in a while(not often). several people take there 4 wheelers out there. You will never catch me on the Ice... I don't care how thick it is!
  15. HAOLE

    Lathe, Mill Help

    MY dad is a Machine tool re-builder, he also sells some used equipment. How much do you want to spend?
  16. What is that old saying... If you cant beat them, join them
  17. I am looking into timeshares. I like to vacation in Hawaii and I am wondering if they are a good deal or just scams? I am not sure if I understand how they work... any advice?
  18. Only good cats are the ones I shoot!
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