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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. This may be a repost but it is always funny...
  2. This Asian guy got what he deserves...
  3. What does it say about Whitehall, when Nelsonville has had a sonic for years...
  4. YOU WILL FIND ACTION HERE! linn will race you for $40... Welcome to the forums!
  5. Jcwhitney.com Not around here but they will have molded carpet.
  6. I dont know him... sorry. I have known Dr. Scott since I was 16.
  7. HAOLE

    I want this!!!

    BIG ELECTRIC lines run across our lake. I think it would make a fun business in the summer time.
  8. good find ... I am watching MIB III now.
  9. I got a feeling that quote will haunt me for a while. :doh:
  10. Is you step dads name Mike and was He a recruiter in the Navy?
  11. Sound like a good plan to me... Take the neck curve issue serious, one thing i notice is that I don't see 80 year old patients with a straight neck (shorter life span) BTW... 100% coverage?... next time come to me
  12. OOOOHHHHH that sounded bad!!!!!
  13. Untrue... Christian are against the killing of human life. Stem cells can be derived from other sources than just a fetus. The liberals are the ones that say the Christians are against it, but for the most part I would say that is not true.
  14. That is great! Good for her! My mother died from breast cancer in 1994 at the age of 42. I love to hear when people beat it.
  15. HAOLE

    Good Gun Shops

    It may be a drive for you but fin-fur-feather above Mansfield has great prices!
  16. I found out right before Christmas my aunt in California has lung cancer.
  17. What a way to show sympathy for someones bad news... If you feel you can trust only in man fine, but have some respect for the tough times his aunt, himself, and his family are going through. We will pray for her and the family.
  18. It is hard enough getting traction on stock twins and drag radials. When I had goodyear F1's on my supra, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd were like driving on a slick road.
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