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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Maybe a few hundred school buses would have helped... I forgot they got flooded too.
  2. The levee did not break...it was bombed I did not mention the lower wards. There were many stupid white people in N.O. too. If I tell you your house is going to flood due to a swelling river and you don't leave ahead of the crest, its your fault! I always like how when some one tells the truth, they are labeled and extremist, racist, a hate monger ect. Our society has become so sensitive to the "feelings" of others that it is crippling our nation. I will tell you that I am not a racist, I firmly believe that everyone should have the same opportunities in life. If you fail.. tough, dont cry, dont blame others!
  3. Ask the dentist for a cash discount... most will do that. If they accept insurance they have to take UCR cuts anyhow.
  4. I can bring a medical scale, like this... http://www.northshorecare.com/images/402exp-a.jpg
  5. This always frustrates me....Someone please point out a goverment program that the oil companies are on that gives them support! To the best of my knowledge there is none! Maybe I am wrong, but every time someone makes a statement like that they NEVER have an answer. If you are tired of 2.20/galon fuel. Tell the Government to stop taxing the gas so much. In Ohio over $.40/ gallon is tax. The oil companies only make about $.10/gallon according to the Energy Information Administration. Here is a graphic from the U.S. dept. of energy showing the break down of the cost associated with exploration, production, and marketing: http://www.conocophillips.com/NR/rdonlyres/137CC855-EF59-4EDE-BD03-A645CE075EFF/0/ProfitsGasPump1thru112006ave.gif It is not Voodoo it is free market... my .02
  6. I lived in West St. Louis county for about 4 1/2 years they do those check point every weekend. When delivering pizzas on a Saturday night it was a real pain!
  7. I am saying what the dems have said... not what I believe! Also the state governments in Kansas and Colorado are doing for themselves not waiting for the feds to come in. States must be accountable for their own people.
  8. maybe because... the cattle make someone money, many of the people in New Orleans just cost the government money. Economics 101
  9. He would be someone I would recommend in Columbus... Or Dr. Scott Gillis 614-818-0000 ( near polaris)
  10. 120K in school loans....5 national board test....2 compboard test...1 state board test....more school hours than MD's your right chiropractors are not real Docs
  11. maybe??... you need in just as bad as I do.. I am in
  12. I have four homes for rent. You pick 850/month... great views click for picture
  13. Cheaper except for your shipping charges and customs fees and the three month wait.(unless you ship next day air)
  14. HAOLE

    Digital Phone

    I have had Vonage for about a year and a half. Service is good... no problems. It sounds just a clear as a land line did. And it is about 1/2 the cost of sprint. I will never go back to a land line. BTW... When the phone company (sprint) sends you a bill, do you ever notice that almost 50% of the bill is tax? That is why I went Vonage.
  15. I would estimate it will sell for 75K
  16. Woon's name carries like a big stick!
  17. I agree. That is a HOT supra... My wife would kill me If I bought that one, but my mouth is watering over it!
  18. check this out Keep in mind only 9 quick silvers were ever produced.
  19. That looks like fun for July 4th
  20. That has been a requirement for decades.... For more than 50 years, Selective Service and the registration requirement for America's young men have served as a backup system to provide manpower to the U.S. Armed Forces. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 which created the country's first peacetime draft and formally established the Selective Service System as an independent Federal agency. From 1948 until 1973, during both peacetime and periods of conflict, men were drafted to fill vacancies in the armed forces which could not be filled through voluntary means. In 1973, the draft ended and the U.S. converted to an All-Volunteer military. The registration requirement was suspended in April 1975. It was resumed again in 1980 by President Carter in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Registration continues today as a hedge against underestimating the number of servicemen needed in a future crisis. The obligation of a man to register is imposed by the Military Selective Service Act. The Act establishes and governs the operations of the Selective Service System.
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