The American dream is different for everyone. Maybe they are not living your version of the American dream. Go to other places in the world many people cant afford the basic living necessities. Most the American "Poor" are not poor, they make bad choices in life, then can only afford a 25" tv and basic cable.
Many times I have patients come into my office belly aching about how they cant afford care, 5 minutes before they were telling me about the 3 horses at their home.(true story happened today) What are my thoughts? I think that they need to have better priorities in life. Give up the horse, the cable, the cell phone, or whatever, then comeback and cry you are poor. The bottom line is most people can afford to pay for most health care, most choose the big screen tv over paying for their health care.
As far as the minimum wage... any "minimum wage" is artificially inflating the cost of goods. The market should determine the cost of labor. No one pays a minimum wage to those of us that have start business and pay employees! If a person is not satisfied with the amount they are making, become better educated, and move up in the work force. Poverty is no excuse for complacency and lack of success.
As for as making all guns legal, including the automatic ones... they already are. You just need the right permits. New Albany keeps full auto MP5's in stock. I think I should go by two just to upset you!