I spent the night last night at Circuit City for the black Friday sales. I got there about 9:45 pm last night thinking that I would have a couple of hours in the truck before having to be out in the cold. Was I wrong! I was the 12th person at the door, so I spent the night outside with a lawn chair and a few blankets. By 2 a.m. I don’t think I could feel my toes. By 4 am I could not feel my fingers. I am not complaining about the cold, but what I will complain about are the inconsiderate Eastern Indians that showed up this morning. Now don’t get me wrong, there were Whites, Blacks, and Mexicans trying the same stuff, but when you called them on the carpet for trying to cut in line, they went away. The Indians were so persistent, that one girl had to threaten throw the Indian lady on the ground and stomp her face into the pavement. She still stood there and argued! By them time 5 a.m. rolled around they were handing out the vouchers for the laptops, I was so cold that and miserable, there was now way the someone that got there 5 minutes ago was going to cut in front of us that froze our rear ends off all night. One Indian guy got a STOUT stiff arm by the guy in front of me. The Indian guy got knocked back about three feet. I had to throw out a few Indian teenagers that swarmed us when they started handing out the vouchers.
Then when I was waiting in line with my voucher for the laptop these two snotty little tramps did nothing but complain about standing in line for two hours. I finally lost my temper after hearing so much I turn to them and there gay male friends and told them they had nothing to complain about some of us had been there many hours and they needed to shut there traps. I am normally a mild person but after hearing for two hours about how Circuit city “should be passing out bottled water”, and they “needed a smoke”, I wanted to smash their faces and their homo male friends faces into the ground. These two tramps must be the most ungrateful winches I have ever seen.
Now that I have said my peace, I will go back to being the nice guy I am.