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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. If my 10 month old son was a year older I would be all over this. The noise would be too much for him to handle because there is know way he would let me put hearing protection on him.
  2. lol..... Dave Rosen and I went to Berwick Alternative together. We were in the same class in the 5th grade with Mr. Greer. He was the only Jewish kid in the class that year. Dave was a cool kid way back then.
  3. LOL..... someone chopped it and sent it to me http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/MyCarSideSmall.jpg
  4. You young pups are a bunch of sad sacks. The thought of actually mackin in person scares you kids. Go out there walk up to chick and throw them a good rap. The worst they can say is no. In todays culture we have a bunch of pantywaist little boys that hide behind a keyboard so they don't feel the rejection. Grow some hair on you nuts and actually talk to women, in person.
  5. Then go where Kirk said...The possibility of Ostesarcoma or other type of neoplasm is nothing to mess with. I am all for conservative treatment, but orthopedic oncology is where I would be. Better to treat neoplasm (if that is what it really is) early than wait until it is too late. A few month period of time waiting can change an outcome for the worse. FYI bone tumors are not like prostate cancer. Most bone neoplasm is rapid in growth and has a high probability of metastasis.
  6. no.... they tried that once, the results were bad IIRC.
  7. What are looking for in trade?
  8. The po po was thick last night around 161. If you squealed your tires the pulled you over. I was at Bob Evans, did anyone this this masterpiece? http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs034.ash2/35077_1382649244182_1170508321_30966857_7896504_n.jpg This guy had nasty chicks flashing on top of his van... my eyes are still burning! http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs054.snc4/35065_1382649004176_1170508321_30966855_3007011_n.jpg Here are some other pics from last night.... http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs188.snc4/37762_1382646164105_1170508321_30966828_3667418_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs071.ash2/36934_1382646524114_1170508321_30966831_5581332_n.jpg look at this slow car... http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs141.snc4/36399_1382647484138_1170508321_30966840_1771537_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs148.snc4/36748_1382647924149_1170508321_30966844_5462795_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs014.snc4/34050_1382647604141_1170508321_30966841_5022109_n.jpg
  9. So the plan is meeting at hooters at 9 the a cruise up to 161?
  10. I may be coming down tonight. Probably the 161 area for me.
  11. Super Motor Lodge on East Main st. Classy place!!!
  12. I agree. IMHO.... that is a waste of perfectly good rubber.
  13. My son attends a school through our church and they use the aBeka program. ( http://www.abeka.com ) I feel the education he is getting is second to none. The school started them writing in script instead of block writing in kindergarten, They really push the kids academically. His spelling list for first grade is about what fifth graders in public schools learn. Our school will have kids that transfer from the public schools occasionally and those kids really have a tough time keeping up. I feel sorry for them because when they come from the public schools to our school, it is like they are jumping about two grade levels. Kids can get a decent education in some public schools. The biggest factor is parental involvement. If we lived in Dublin or Upper Arlington I would most likely send the kids to those schools, but there is no way I would send them anywhere near CPS. If you have parents that dont care, why should the kids care and why should the teachers care. Like I have said before I went to Johnson Park middle and Eastmoor high, I survived, but I would not want to expose my kids to what I witnessed in school.
  14. I may roll down to 161 if it clears up.....
  15. I may try to make it down in the morning.
  16. Prime example of why some employees suck. You act like someone owes you something in life. If you don't like the job leave, there will be hundreds more waiting to take your job. The attitude you should have is: 1. I should be thankful to have a job and not cashing welfare checks. 2. I am being paid to do a job and I need to do it to the best of my ability. 3. If I fail to perform what is ask of me, I am stealing from the company. 4. I dont want to be the reason that my job got moved to India. Of course, most people that act like the above own the companies.
  17. I graduated from Eastmoor back in 1991 and we had a certain tall guy that played basketball well, he got a full ride to OSU and could not read at all.
  18. I dont care if it was 1998..... it is funny
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