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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090116/ap_on_re_us/plane_in_river_pilot
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/plane_in_river I cant believe the plane is in one piece and no one was hurt seriously or died!
  3. HAOLE


    I bet it will happen
  4. I run a pioneer unit. Sounds good for $350.
  5. Some one should go as Bill Clinton with peyronie's disease.
  6. Praise the Lord someone that is rational about the over hyped Glocks. I forgot about the exploding Glocks. They will go bang in more than one way.
  7. We used to break into that building when I was a kid to play laser tag.
  8. HAOLE

    Damn pedophiles !

    This is an example of the law being wrong. Should the kids be doing this? No. Should the be charged with Child porn? No, they are children themselves. Why are the people the got the pics being charged? If the girls put in the wrong number to text to and someone else got the pics instead, they could be charged with the crime too.:bs:
  9. Just wait until she starts shedding.
  10. The oldest one I had would run until she went into a seizure, then we could catch her. They are fast dogs, with crazy endurance!!!
  11. I had 2 huskies. They are great dogs. Good luck getting the dog back in the house when snow is on the ground.
  12. I think I could do this.
  13. We agree on that point! To me it is a better design due to ergonomics, and the natural abitly of the gun to be an extension of your arm. The balance of the 1911 is far superior to any Glock. The service life of the 1911 has been proven in two world wars korea, Vietnam. If we were not push overs for NATO we would still be using it. On top of that the 1911 does not use a striker fire system. The 1911 is very easy to decock. Glocks go boom upon decock.
  14. IIRC there have been several instances of glocks being dropped and discharging, and many instances discharge upon holstering and draw. My friend retired from Smith & Wesson about ten years ago. According to him when Glock came on the scene many departments began switching to Glock because Glock nearly gave away the guns to the departments. When that happened, the rates of accidental discharge began to rise. Glocks are not all they a billed out to be. I personally, don't like the design. Rappers and Hollywood are the real credit to the Glocks popularity. You can call an accidental discharge anything you want. Rules of gun safety always apply, but not every time do things go as planed, humans make mistakes. Not every time a gun is pulled does the round need to be fired, if the round exits the chamber when it did not need to then harm may be done. Glock has been sued many times about this design. Generally I see people who love Glocks or the hate them. I am in the hate group. I never liked them from the first one I held. Many better designs are out there. I happen to be a 1911 fan. John Browning designed a better gun nearly 100 years before. Sorry if I offended the god of Glock.
  15. OK...colt. US standard side arm from 1911 to 1985, millions made.
  16. If one accidentally hits the trigger,while gun is in hand, that is an accidental discharge. I don't like not having a manual safety like a 1911.
  17. They have the highest accidental discharge rate of any other brand.
  18. Just wait till you have kids. Stuff disappears for days. This winter I have lost and found my wallet, expensive watch, and this weekend my keys. My little girl likes to pick stuff up and put it away "so it does not get lost"
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