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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Last Gun show I went to the prices were so high I walked out.
  2. Talk about chips Can I get some ruffles?
  3. I will try to pull the article for you. One common theme in any of the article about iatrogenic/drug reaction deaths is they are under reported. Most article on the subject will state in them the author suspect the numbers to be higher due to the reluctance of doctors and hospitals to report the deaths as errors or reactions
  4. Scott is who got me into Chiropractic. I have know him since I was 16. He is a good guy.
  5. Everyone who thinks only the cops should have guns because they are more responsible, needs to look at that picture.
  6. A good CPA. Do NOT do them yourself!!!!!! http://www.osbornecharles.com/accounting.htm This is who I use for book keeping and taxes.
  7. The short answer is no I would not refer to Kirk. Not that he is a bad doc, he is too full of him self and does not understand that their are alternatives to what he does. I have surgeons I refer to when needed. Larry Tood D.O. William Zerick M.D. Rebecca Brightman M.D. All three of these people have proven to me they have the patients best interest in mind. I just don't see the from Kirk. When he get more experience under his belt and matures his attitude may change a bit. When MD's get out of school some have a very bad attitude with regard to anything that is non medical. Time will change him.
  8. Start smoking these.... http://www.dfp.com.ph/modules/osC/images/PALL%20MALL.jpg
  9. Because they are very simple to use and they don't jam.
  10. I feel really dirty after watching that. That is the gayest clip I have ever seen.
  11. 1hr 10 minutes. I you want someone closer see Dr. Scott Gillis. He is in Westerville. 818-0000
  12. You answer was at post 3. I you want someone in Columbus to look at you, call Dr. Scott Gillis 818-0000. Tell him Dr. Rick sent you. You need to have someone look at the problem. Getting a diagnosis over the internet is a little tough.
  13. Were you to blind to read my post you quoted? I said my role is to keep them out of there before they need you type of treatment. Do you think that persons' knee pain started just before he rolled into your office? NO. He or she had alot of years of abuse before that. Did you ever think that the person in that x-ray may have had an arch that was giving out 40 years before. If he or she would have seen someone about that arch before all the damage is done, they would no be in that position. Since you want to load a question. Here is one for you. You have a 12 year old male child that has asthma on a sucking albuterol like a mad man. Missing 45 days of school per year. Cant lead a normal childhood because he sucks on a inhaler all day. Kid is gaining weight at a frantic pace due to inactivity. Has been to primary doc, and several pulminologist with no help. What do you do? Or how about this one. Young lady 25 years old. Has chronic heart burn. has limited her diet severly due to the pain that is associated with most foods. Has been on tums, prilosec, pepcid, tagament, zantac etc. Has been scoped and had no ulcer. She is losing sleep at night, taking its toll at work. Been to primary doc and gastroenterologist. Symptom present for 5 years. What do you do? These are real people in my office. Nothing is helping drug wise and life is not good for either of these people. Since you have told every on here you know what I do, why don't you tell me what I did to help both of these people? The end result for the 12 year old in no more asthma within two months. He has not touched and inhaler in 8 years. The lady heart burn issues were resolved in 30 days. Both of these case are not rare occurrences in my office.
  14. Since you Know what I do, why dont you give me a lecture on biomechanics, and nutrition. My guess is you know nothing about either. The difference between chiros and medics is we are polar opposite. We strive to keep people healthy BEFORE they need to have medical intervention. Medical docs don't have much to offer people until they are sick and the body is shutting down. When is the last time you were able to change someone life before they are on the operating table. My role is to help people correct issues before they get to the level that drugs or surgery is needed. Go get pre paid funeral.
  15. I used turbotax for years until my taxes got too complicated due to business. For a person with kids and a house turbotax is just fine.
  16. Since Americans use more drugs now than the do you think those number went up or down? BTW that study was based on drug reaction deaths. Go read it. It also said in the same article 28% of all hospital admissions are due to drug reactions and 30% of hospitalized patients will have a reaction while in the hospital. Just something to chew on. If people were perfectly healthy they would not be on drugs.
  17. That may be true. But it should not give you a god complex like you have. The reason you guys feel threatened by guys like me is we tell people the truth about health. In the 1950's people never questioned the MD's his word was final. Now people are questioning, and looking for something that is not dangerous. Guess who the come to??? ME!!!!! lol Every year our market share increases. You guys tried to put us out of business for years, had us put in jail, scared your patient about coming to see us. We are still here.
  18. If you want to talk about stats the AMA Journal Jan 97 said prescription drugs kill more than 140,000 people per year. Those are not my stats.
  19. Awww.... Truth hurt? Tract life expectancy and you will find the the introduction of plumbing had a direct impact far beyond the practice of medicine. Remember you guys have not been around that long. 100+ years ago doctors were more like what we would consider a Naturopath today
  20. I have plenty with hardware. I can pull some and post them but I dont see the point. I dont do spinal correction on someone who has had surgery, the goal is pain relief care only at the point. The surgery has screwed any chance of them returning to near normal. BTW... I have over 10,000 patient files that is not a small sliver!
  21. For not doing anything, people sure do get better under my care after they have been put through the medical mill. My average patient has been on three drugs and seen 2 MD's and they have ran up thousands of dollars in bills and are no better. Some have been through surgery, and most of those are FAR worse than before the surgery. Talk about not doing anything. Seems like the majority of the MD's are running insurance cost and providing dangerous care that results in poor outcome. But what do I know?
  22. Plumbers have done more to extend life than medical doctors have ever done. Remember I am not in the profession that is the number 1 cause of death in the United States.
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