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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I heard Obama keeps it real http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_9QB2qv9VY0g/SKrJ6tFABdI/AAAAAAAAAOM/hAClviBRso0/s400/obama-smoking.jpg
  2. I heard whitealero pole rides Obama
  3. I heard he has no experience for the job.
  4. http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m188/Bushwack_2006/obama-smoking1.jpg
  5. HAOLE

    Discuss UFC....

    UFC needs to go back to the way it was in the beginning. No weight classes! That is real fighting. The last fight I got into I did not ask the guy how much he weighed.
  6. I heard that too. He is coming to give all the poor people gifts.
  7. I heard Obama built the pyramids.
  8. http://www.songsforamerica.net/photogallery/new021708/obama-weed.jpg
  9. I heard he walked on water, and fed five thousand with a few fish and a loaf of bread.
  10. Well it defaulted to the republicans, I dont see the issue.
  11. This thread has me laughing so hard, I am crying.
  12. See Fox news lies.... He smokes menthols. http://mediamatters.org/static/images/item/bigstory-20070117-obama.jpg
  13. I heard he in now using mind control through the TV to reeducate the masses. Camps will be opening in January for those of us that did not see it.
  14. A water hose will help you get the sand out of your vagina.
  15. I also heard there was a rash of virgin births.
  16. I heard anyone that watched, was raptured to heaven.
  17. Darn Libs stealin my horsepowerz
  18. Here is gun control in action.
  19. Obama sure does have a lot of friends that have terrorist on their business card. http://www.adl.org/israel/advocacy/glossary/plo.asp
  20. Well Obama sure does like to have PLO friends. JTP is just calling a spade a spade Clicky
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