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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I paid $1.77 for E85 this week end at Kroger. Under $40 to fill the Suburban:grin2:, this summer it cost me about $110.
  2. HAOLE

    Mmmm Socialism

    You are all haters
  3. I have a great outlook. So good of an outlook, that I believe you can make the best decision with your money. BTW.... Gas tax should go for roads, Waste management is private in Knox county, I pay property tax and city tax to make Mt. Vernon better. I never said we should have no tax. I don't think it is fair that I pay more % of income than you do.
  4. Lets put it this way. In the past 10 years, I have made A LOT of $$$.
  5. Either way, riots will occur.
  6. HAOLE

    Discuss UFC....

    90%+ I get the fight vids links.... help a brother out
  7. HAOLE

    New Obama Dirt

    He aint gots no rhythm.
  8. Come back when you make 250K in a year and we will see if you still say that.
  9. It was a dream! :funny: The stuff I get on my rep is funny.
  10. Were did mine go? I have a suburban, but no Hummer.
  11. I hate going to Taco Bell!!!!!1!!!1!1!111 It seems they only hire people that are dumb and then don't train the dumb employees. Every time I go, something is wrong with my order.
  12. HAOLE

    Discuss UFC....

    Anyone have a link to the vid?
  13. http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w115/tawiskaro/ObamaCommie.jpg
  14. Well, he has more experiance than Obama. Why not? Of Course, his wife's drinking problem may present a hurdle.
  15. Total Number Obama has Governed = 0
  16. Are you saying, just because the people they would have targeted are Black they automatically have guns?
  17. Sitting in a chair, in the building, where other are working does not count IMHO
  18. This is the male version of an Old Maid thread.
  19. HAOLE

    get out to vote.

    New system this year to prevent voter fraud. Republicans vote November 4 and Dems on November 5.
  20. You act like you come up with original stuff.
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