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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I "feel" safer flying fixed. I would fly an autogyro it looks like fun. Plus those can take off in a very short runway.
  2. It does... they just rotate.
  3. I challenge you to find any other thread about religion that was started by me. As far back as I remember I have only started one. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46657 The thread that I did start was an offshoot of one started by either SpaceGhost or Thorne. I would prefer not to talk about religion on here. If you don't want to hear me talk about religion, don't post you hatred. News to me
  4. Maybe it will get tossed. I dont know. I think it deserves to be looked at BEFORE we have a constitutional crisis.
  5. I am so glad that you guys think of me so much!
  6. I think it is funny that the people on here, no matter the subject, seem to think that my religion is where they need to attack me.
  7. It is at the Supreme Court now. It is not over yet!! lol http://origin.www.supremecourtus.gov/docket/08-570.htm
  8. I bet her application for asylum will be be approved.
  9. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/50states.jpg?t=1225558868
  10. I thought he worked with Kids.
  11. Pack her up and send her home. I will get the Uhaul.
  12. So quick to ignore the constitution.
  13. Spend about 2k with Johnny Bravo
  14. There still is the question if his mother had a live birth in Kenya, and returned to Honolulu to register the birth.
  15. Seems like Obama needs to lower your expectation of his campaign promises. To boil the fat off this, he cant keep most of the promises he is making. I call that blowing smoke up your rear end. By clicking this link you agree Obama is a socialist, and is not qualified to be president.
  16. Are these any good> I have looked around and see differing opinions. The 1911 45 ACP IMHO is hands down the best firearm ever designed. John Browning was a genius. http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:PMTX-a4kA-JH-M:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/LLama_max_I_45acp.jpg
  17. HAOLE

    WTB a gun

    I will sell you one
  18. HAOLE

    Discuss UFC....

    Really? I was watching UFC's when Gracies dominated, I got a couple of years under my belt of following this stuff. The composition was better. It showcased the talent of the fighters IMHO. UFC got started because it was more realistic fighting. The old UFC was Style vs. Style, I liked that. Weight classes don't occur in the real world, you could have a 400# guy against a 185#. It is now becoming a WWF, fiasco. No biting No eye gouging Those were the only rules.
  19. I guess the cav is the new pinto
  20. I heard the found Obamas half brother http://badexample.mu.nu/archives/Fife%20obama.jpg
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