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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. That is messed up Obama is calling me rich. I guess it works both ways.
  2. HAOLE

    Harlem Voters

    I am sure plenty are!
  3. I think you hit the nail one the head. To many it is just a song. I look at it as a symbol of white people before me went through to allow us to be here. When I here that song I think of my uncle that was a combat engineer in the army. He went into Normandy, at Omaha beach on June 6 1944. They just don't make many men like that anymore. That song is for the men like him, and all of the others that allow us to be here today.
  4. Sure is funny that Powell endorses Obama then we learn he will be a top advisor. hmmm....
  5. It was a ford ranger with a built 2.3 turbo
  6. I did not read any of that but thank you for caring enough to write it.
  7. The best way is to do it the right way.
  8. You should remove the wire at the box. If someone turns the breaker back on for some reason you will have a live 240v wire.
  9. http://www.columbusdiscgolf.com/IMAGES/obamatimus.gif :funny: Look he is hauling horse manure.
  10. I went to Columbus public screwools and I don't remember it after 4 th grade.
  11. Respect for the Country, the office of President, and the anthem are three things I take seriously. If he does not have the respect for our time honored traditions our country has have for years that says something about his character. Ronald Reagan would not sit behind the presidents desk without a suit coat on because he had that much respect for the office of the presidency. That is the type of leader I want, not someone who short cuts and anthem to save 5 minutes. I am not bashing anyone's age, but what I notice is, the younger crowd has nowhere near the respect for our country that people my age or older have. Maybe that went down hill when we stop saying the pledge in school. Just food for thought.
  12. All I can say is ACORN and Jennifer Brunner
  13. Becarefull about saying things like that.The Secret Service is still in business
  14. You just got me back for that Rick Roll with that image you just burned into my head.
  15. That is what I thought. By the time we ship it and pay and FFL person on both end, he will be better off just buying one there. I know Mass sucks when it comes to guns, he has told me about some of the laws there. They don't like to give out CCW's there either.
  16. no sir... that is a general expression! Dont accuse me of saying some racist crap. If anyone thought that is what a meant please accept my apology.
  17. Ummm.... go back and look at your post a few back, I did not start anything. I was commenting on insurance. Who is being immature? Look into your mirror for your answer. The point is you have a chip on your shoulder, I guess it because you hate Christians and Chiropractors.
  18. I have a friend that wants to buy a gun from me, he lives in Boston. Can I break the gun down into parts and ship in two different boxes? Is that legal? Any suggestions?
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