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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I cant help that, I am responsible for my family and myself.
  2. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/liberal_crap.jpg
  3. You dont have to, you already have it.
  4. Because the bible teaches... you work you eat, you don't work you don't eat. Help the widows, and disabled. All others fend for yourself!
  5. I would first try to live within you means. I bet that dock worker has a new car, a house that is more than 25% of his monthly income and a 30 year adjustable rate mortgage. Along with credit card cell phones, and a 4 wheeler payment. I could see how the dock worker would not think he can afford it. Dave Ramsey FTW!!!! Under funded??????? seriously, in Ohio the schools get nearly 6k per student per year. I dont pay nearly that for private. My Kid is in K5 and writes in cursive, reads and does addition/subtraction.
  6. Good point, I never thought about that. The lowest educated want a hand out, the highest are looking fill a void inside of them, so they think that it is a good thing to "help" the less fortunate.
  7. Great I am glad he support vouchers. If the public screwls are not getting the job done, let the kids go where they can get a good education. I graduated from Eastmoor, I will tell you first hand, if I would have had vouchers, off to private schools I would have been. Public schools FTL. My kid goes to private school that I pay for out of my pocket.
  8. That is a great thing about my business I have no cost associated with my product beside equipment cost.
  9. I guess if you have never been an business owner you would not know how crazy you sound.
  10. Ooohhhh nnnoooeeessss Now if you dont think and act like a liberal you not christian. That is a new one to me.
  11. Because them dems have positioned themselves to cater to the minority population in America. They have done this by supporting handouts and entitlement programs. The dems have done more to keep minorities suppressed than any other group. The dems have an agenda of providing "programs" to the minorities to foster votes, all the while making the same minorities dependent on the dems.
  12. I am going to go out on a limb.I know I am going to be called a racist, bigot, and a hate monger for this. My prediction. November 4-5-6 there will be rioting in L.A, Detroit, Chicago, and a few other places whether Obama wins or loses. If he wins, the riots will occur because of excitement over the win. If he loses, the riots will occur because we must live in a racist nation. I have nomex on go ahead and flame.
  13. 1929- Television lol That clip makes me ROfL
  14. I would have not guessed that.
  15. Of course you like the idea of socialism, I don't think you have a job most of the time. Anyhow, If I give money away, and I do. I give to people and organizations I want to help. Obama does not need to give my money away for me.
  16. I am lucky that I run an overhead of less than 50%. I have a friend that has a business, he grosses more than 1 mill per year and because his overhead is so high he makes about the same as I do.
  17. I guess I am big business. ooooohhhhhh nnnnoooooeeeeesssss
  18. The point is they are your kimers and your worked for them not me. If I want a kimber I need to get a job, save money and buy one for myself. I should not feel the need to take yours. Envy is the root of socialism. The have not's want what the have's have.
  19. This seems tangible to me. http://businessbooster.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/bill.jpg
  20. Putty, Since were are heading towards a socialistic America, I am going to come over tonight and pick up the Kimber. You have it, and I really need it, it is not fair that you have it and I dont. To be fair to the greater good (mine), I will take possession of the item, we will just call the transfer of wealth a tax.
  21. Here is Ben, who cant do anything but bash Christians. Go see your wifes GURU and he maybe able to help you with a new line. oopps he is dead, sorry.
  22. Rice and beans, beans and rice. He will have to work through the tough part. I did not have anything either and I have Started/owned several business over the years
  23. http://www.dispatch.com/dispatch/export-content/sites/dispatch/editorials/stories/stahler_main.gif
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