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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. I bought the 32 GB one... I *think* I paid 499.00 for it so maybe I got the early upgrade deal. I'll have to double check against my checking account statement.
  2. I'm kinda confused by this upgrade thing. I bought the 3G at the new customer price in January 2009. I then paid full price for the 3GS when it first came out a year ago so I assumed I would be eligible for new customer price on the 4. I'll have to check into it at a store I guess.
  3. I think 01/31/2011 is my upgrade date too...
  4. It's thirty days IIRC. I called AT&T customer service last night to see what I would have to pay for an upgrade for the new 4G and they had no clue. They told me I would have to go into or call a store to find out. What system the store employees have access to that regular customer service does not I will never know.
  5. Putty is the other guy... LOL
  6. Yeah... There is... Don't sign a lease there. LOL. Seriously I had Ardent too and they will stick it to you when you finally move it. It was a long drawn out process and we got hit with bull shit fees when we moved as well. I do not know anyone who didn't get raped at move out by Ardent.
  7. You can get a Springfield A1 GI 1911 for 499.00. I have one and love it.
  8. Any word on when this new one hits the streets? I'm itching for a new phone and it's between this and the EVO 4G.
  9. Sorry to hear man. The Rottweiler I grew up with died last year. I still think about her. Good luck.
  10. LMAO.. It's like it's Christmas eve for this guy.
  11. I like the Celtics more than the Lakers.... So I would rather see the Celtics win, although I wanted the Magic to beat the Celtics. I too think it's going to go seven games or six at the least.
  12. What.The.Fuck.. Twenty bucks to get in there? No thank you.
  13. Putty and I have had this conversation several times. I want to see and play with both side by side before I make my decision. I'm looking forward to the release of the new iphone and the EVO 4G.
  14. Damn son. Think your suspicion may be correct.
  15. Nasty. They are real big in Cincinnati. My grandparents would always mail them to my mom when we lived in Texas.
  16. From the commercial they showed during the Celtics game it looks like a lot of fun.
  17. If putty doesn't want it I will take it for 75
  18. Is this still available? I would like to buy it if so.
  19. LMAO. She is pretty cute.
  20. I will be back soon for that tune-up we discussed Rob and I have a friend that needs his car looked at as well that I am going to refer to your shop.
  21. I went down to Derek on Saturday at NTB to get a wheel alignment. The shop seemed a little busy when I pulled in and I figured I would be in there for a couple hours. But thanks to Derek I was in and out of the shop in less than a hour. Thanks guys!
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