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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. Correct. It opened to everyone on 06/22/2010.
  2. Decent on the first couple run throughs. I like the Untitled track a lot.
  3. Correct. I do believe Chicago is the closest place. To do the in person rush in Chicago I believe they make you schedule a appointment. Bluemach: How soon do you need it by? http://travel.state.gov/passport/processing/processing_1740.html
  4. Oh Joy! Nice! I hope the activations go smoothly.
  5. I agree. You won't build much credit with a cell phone. Hell, I doubt the cell phone companies report your payment history unless they send you to collections after the fact. There are much better ways to build credit. I'm paying about 75 bucks a month for 450 day time, unlimited text, and the data plan after my corporate discount kicks in.
  6. It seems every week he's said or done something stupid. He doesn't seem to care about the issue as much with comments like him wanting his life back, americans being prone to making bogus claims, small people, and now yachting. Now, I think he shouldn't be shouldering all of the blame. I think the other two entities that ran the platform with BP deserve some scrutiny too.
  7. I forgot all about King of Queens. The Wire was the only show I would rush home for back in the day. The first several seasons were pre-DVR so I had to make it a point to be home on Sunday nights. The show was phenomenal and very well written. I hated to see it end.
  8. The Wire Lost Seinfeld Airwolf
  9. I'm looking for this fast track too, lol. The place that seems to be pulling the most money for 3g's is ebay but I hate all the BS ebay fees.
  10. Fast track? What's that and what's the web address?
  11. A question every legitimate mattress buyer asks! LOL
  12. :gtfo: The operative word in my last phone was look mofo.... Pay attention... LOL
  13. I did. I have 30 days to decide from when I receive it. I played around with the EVO at the Sprint store on Sunday but there wasn't any third party apps on it so I couldn't really see the phone in action. I need to look at your phone to get a good demo.
  14. The date that shows there doesn't necessarily mean you are or are not eligible. My case is a perfect example. I have the same "eligibility" date as you of 01/31/2011 but I was able to upgrade for the same price as new customers. It's some automated formula that apparently no one at ATT can seem to explain.
  15. I'm rollin with the Anti-Lakers! Celtics please! LOL
  16. My issue with him doing that is if he gets captured by Al Qaieda (sp?) then more people's lives are put in jeopardy for his sake. It's a noble cause but some things are best left to the pro's in my opinion.
  17. LOL. It's a poorly worded email on AT&T's part. I got the same one. They verify your eligibility before taking you to the page to actually order the phone that way they and you know how much you have to pay for the phone. Did Apple already temporarily charge your account already like AT&T does?
  18. You ordered from two separate places. He ordered from ATT.
  19. It wouldn't have did you any good to go through Apple's website. Their site was beat to shit yesterday. People were making it further on AT&T's website than they were on Apple's.
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