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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. LMAO. Yeah, that was the owner most likely. He's a quirky guy.
  2. Have you tried Aumillers in Westerville?
  3. +1. Or look into the wireless N if the laptops are compatible with it.
  4. LMAO. I was thinking the same thing..
  5. Most definitely. Its cheaper at this point.
  6. Draggknee you homewrecker! Sorry to hear OP. The whole situation sucks.
  7. It is a temporary credit until the case is resolved. At that point it becomes permanent. Most cases take 60 days to resolve which is why they give you access to the funds temporarily until then. In cases where Visa rules in favor of the merchant most banks give you a week notice advising you that the temporary credit is going to be reversed; otherwise they tell you the credit is permanent and the close is closed.
  8. LMAO. OP you had to know this thread was going to take this turn..
  9. Me too.... After Hwili of course
  10. I clicked it.... I felt a little adventurous on the work PC...
  11. Vances uses a company that handles this. It's a third party company. I think it was called Pete's Moving company. I would have them do it... Less liability that way IMO.
  12. Yes sir! They moved us down to the other end of 2N near where the collections group sits.
  13. This is incorrect. You cannot "stop" a debit card transaction. Once it is approved the merchant is the only one who can stop it. You can place a stop payment on a paper check only. We can reverse ACH (electronic checks) payments. OP file a claim with your bank. In almost all cases a debit card offers you the same level of protection as a credit card. The only drawback is the money out of your debit card leaves your account immediately so you will be without it until your bank provides you with a provisional credit while they are investigating. I would contact the bank and the police and go from there.
  14. Somebody buy that man a beer!! LOL
  15. I missed this one... I never saw this post. I might have been interested in it.
  16. I grew up in Cincinnati and still have family there so I read their paper every now and then. This story is crazy. http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20100211/NEWS010702/2120354/1055/NEWS/Cross-dresser+gets+hospital+sued
  17. The Florida permit isn't all that bad price wise IMO... It's 117 and lasts for seven years. I'm in the process of adding the FL one to mine as well.
  18. I agree. I bet they will plead guilty to a lesser charge. What college student throws snowballs at cars and plow trucks though? I expected this from kids.... not adults.
  19. I'll have to follow this thread as well since I am in the process of gun safe shopping as well. I don't need anywhere near your gun capacity though. I am looking at safes in the 20 - 30 gun size range and a budget of 700 or so. How well do those expandable door seals work on gun safes?
  20. What is she planning on doing with it? Depending on her plans this budget could net a nice laptop.
  21. Yep. The G36 is the single stack version. I like the G30. My only issue with it is it about 4 mm's wider than the 36. I do like the mag capacity of the 30 over the 36. I haven't shot either of them yet tho. I just played around with them both at vance's a couple months ago.
  22. Dayumm.... Posts like this make me reconsider getting satellite tv. The times that satellite goes out are times people are usually in the house, like heavy rain or snowfall.
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