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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. Recent R32 tail of the dragon trip. He is infront of his RS4 with his back turned: http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m181/edwins423/tod50.jpg Carwash: http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m181/edwins423/tod41.jpg
  2. smashtheqube who started and sold mobile17 and smashthetones for millions is on the vortex. He has a Stage 4 VF R32 and a Brand new Ibis White RS4. He is only 17.
  3. Bought a new laptop with Vista on it, Used it for a week then I got fed up! Threw XP Pro and Gentoo Linux on there and called it the day. I use Linux more anyways. Nate: That might be true but any Linux Server distro setup correctly and tuned correctly is 100 times better than any tuned 2003 box. 2003 was alot better than 2000 server though.
  4. Glassburn, best place Ive used. If you go say DeBellis recommended you on the paper work. You wont be dissapointed!
  5. Hey John, I just got from Vegas on Tuesday and I am in New Albany too. Pretty much goin there is good enough for me, I dont think there is a "bad" "good" part of it. I was really bored, I didnt think it was all that sweet but maybe ill appreciate it more when I am older.
  6. good luck with the rebuild! I love my audi/vw's! pm me a list of part numbers you need. I have a parts guy at a dealer in MA that will over night parts to you (free shipping) and parts are 50-90% cheaper than byers.
  7. good luck with that attitude.
  8. lol my dad took my lil brother up last Saturday for a walk through. My dad called me drooling from the skirts walkin around. Miami>OSU>OU at the end of the day they are all good.
  9. Went to Vegas in October for my 21st, snuck out for a weekend in Jan. and I am going back this Saturday for March Madness/ Best Friends 21st. I sportsbet for a living, being able to bet online/local with a bookie allows me to have a more "stable" job so I go to vegas to party and gamble so I dont know what you're looking for in vegas but. I think you would like the Paris hotel.
  10. Supplicium

    V8 m3

    looks great but awful engine choice. add more weight to a sports car *thumbs down* they should have done a tuned version of the 3.0L Twin Turbo.
  11. Ive talked to JMAN5000 on the tex alot. he knows his shit! after i sell my 02 jetta I may swing buy and pickup your gti. wish it was stick though. would u be interested in swapping rims? pm me.
  12. prob wasnt me, i havent been to amc in dublin in over a year. i was at lennox though on sat.
  13. My best friend was killed, he was only 19. Some of oyu might remember him.. He was from Dublin. I still have a rough time dealing with it. Its been 2 years and whenever I hear or see a train I get goosebumps and I remember my friend. Hope all gets better for you soon!
  14. Nice, Id like to get a baseline for my GTI. Do you guys have problems with VWs/Audis stayin on the dyno? Last dyno night i went to around columbus they couldnt keep my car down, i just think they were idiots and couldnt tie it down right..
  15. pics please to adebellis at gmail . c0m thanks!
  16. thanks for the info! I think ill sign up!
  17. Hey MrAutoX I have some questions for you. Last year was my first autox I only did it twice (i got my car late in the season). I did great for being my first time w/ under 20 hours of manual tranny experience. I go up to North Canton with my buddy who has a 3.0l vr6 GTI with coils, sways, lsd, bbk, exhaust, port n polish, pistons, chip etc etc etc and I was bone stock. I lost by less than a second to him and beat him the last time. http://vista.pca.org/ebe//autoresults5.htm http://vista.pca.org/ebe//autoresults6.htm anyway it was through pca.org which is porsche club of america.. "x" class is anything other than a porsche. it was 25 bucks it got you an instructor if you wanted and about 10-15 runs. ive heard this autox at OSU/cooper is really strict and competitive, alot of trash talking etc... I just want to autox not compete against other or whatever. what is it really like? i just want to learn and have fun without all the im better BS. if i like your description id like to register so i would like help doing that too. if not ill just keep goin to canton once a month for the pca event. thanks
  18. Paris is a great hotel, that was the first hotel I stayed at in vegas. Proposing there is a good idea, i might have to do that when the time comes. (another reason to go to vegas lol its my playground).
  19. Looks like a good deal. Everyone wins.
  20. why would you wanna see smokeshanks pics lol
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