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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. Shanton aka neonkiller comes highly recommended. Id shoot him a PM and get takin care of.
  2. I also believe to use any evidence against you they have to notify you of: 1. the kind of surveillance to be carried out (camera, computer or tracking) 2. how the surveillance will be carried out 3. when the surveillance will start 4. whether the surveillance will be continuous or intermittent 5. whether the surveillance will be for a specified limited period or ongoing
  3. Most likely it is wireless. Since the building already existed it would be worlds easier to just install wireless ones if they even did. What line of work are you in? We have audits but video tape would be worthless in my situation.
  4. http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/dd9000.html
  5. you should see the new station / vehicles / equipment http://www.villageofnewalbany.org/portals/0/NewAlbanyPDElevationSmall.jpg%5Bimg%5D I'd say thats a pretty nice building for only 15 officers. The pay has to be good with that nice of building and the lack of # of employees.
  6. what are you confused with? i modded a friends like day 2 of the release, its a simple dvd drive firmware flash. Heres a tut: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=513220 ok back on topic, gl with sale/bump
  7. SGT. Greg Jones is the name. Hope this helps
  8. Confirmed from a ex-schoolmate: Just so you know there is a Sgt. Jones at the New Albany Police. He is not sure of his first name though.
  9. I wouldnt put it passed the NA po to do some shady shit. I had my fair of run in's with them for stupid shit in high school and 1 really serious issue with them. My dad was going to sue them for how they handled one of my run in's. Months later after he decided not to presue any legal action he was pulled over for "speeding" and the cop was a real asshole and my dad said shortly after being pulled over asked him if he could just get the ticket and get out as soon as possible he was on his way to my golf tourny (states) my senior year and the cop took a little bit over an hour to get him a ticket. needless to say my parents are very unimpressed by the cops in NA esp for how much funding they get from such a small town. Honestly, I think there is a short stubby blonde cop by the name Mike Jones. I would call the station from a payphone, ask for officer jones and if they transfer you or whatever just hangup and go from there.
  10. Im stuck in the high 13's till I get another car.
  11. I heard the Ford GT's have lots of problems.. I froget the details about em but it seems like every single one had the same problem. My neighbor has the red/white ford gt, he barely drives it, seems like a waste to me.
  12. my buddy has a mk4 vr6 12v, 3.0L, higher compression, fully built balanced/blueprinted, cams the whole deal with a custom giac chip and cat-back. LSD, sway bars, shocks, springs, bbk. it sounds like pure sex, it has like 120k miles on it and runs flawless. everytime im with him i get so jealous of it. it beat me from a 2nd gear roll, hopefully i can get him once i fix my boost leak and with the new chip i got. ill have to get it done quick cause he is throwing on a gt30r or gt35r on it soon.
  13. true, but vw swaps into the mk1/mk2 chassis is pretty easy compared to other swaps out there.
  14. yah ahaha i wrecked hard on that same set of stairs.
  15. holy shit, i did the same thing but on my lil bros bmx bike. it might have been the same exact stairs too. is that at now its called "new albany estates"?
  16. GL with the sale Kris. If I had a mk1 or 2 GTI I would def get this if I knew what the hell I was doing.
  17. You guys need a webmaster/designer ASAP.
  18. Ill be there, I want to see what my car is making, hopefully I get my new DV in this friday so Im not leaking 11psi on the dyno. Ill have a few friends from out of town with cars but nothing big hp just modded wrx, is300 and 3.0L vr6 gti. It will be a boring 220whp run
  19. after a long night of drinkin and smokin w/ turbospec in the front seat, we pulled into my driveway to find a friends car in the way of my parking spot. I was determined to make it around the car and into my garage I pulled in sideways and keith told me i wasnt going to make it and was going to hit the garage pillar, me trying to be sweet said jetta power's got this, floored it and took out the whole right side of my car.
  20. heh yeah I am just hoping I can make the "C" revison valve last atleast 2 weeks, it would be alot better on my wallet if I could make it 4 weeks on it so I can get a the forge one when I can truely afford it.
  21. yeah I bought my car at byers, they are dicks. I get it serviced at MAG though. I should have bought it at MAG but they sold the one I wanted and Byers had it. I bought my Jetta there in 02 and have it serviced every 5k at MAG and ive had nothing but the best over there.
  22. rofl. the webmaster sounds like he doesnt know what he is doing.
  23. I use Sprint wireless broadband with an unlimited data plan. I have no problem with VPN even when I am in the car driving. I download at 140-280kbps even while going 80mph in the car or just in a hotel.
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