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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. Yeah defintely. I try to hit Windsor every other month. Its nice they joined Harrahs so my comp points travel with me to Vegas.
  2. wtf is that Erica and her boyfriend? Is he a member on CR?
  3. shit I didnt even look at the date. My bad. Ill try to be there on Thursday. Would anyone be down for drinks at the bucket or the goat after pizza?
  4. Damn I didnt know Audi's came in a cloth option. If the A3 TQM is has the engine out of the euro S3 then it would be alot tougher decision. But personally, like with Keith I am planning on getting the 135 if the tt comes statside if not ill be getting a 335 or the new M3.
  5. Hey Cavin what games do you have for the 360 and PSP i might pick a few up, and im right down the street.
  6. Damn its 10pm wish I checked earlier. I live right down the street.
  7. I agree. Although, Pkg2 gti was 25k out the door. I havent looked at the audi site but the sline i bet is close to 10k if not more expensive. Even the pkg 0 gti has its pro's and cons to the base a3. Mainly sick HIDs. A3 gets the leather (guess) and sunroof.
  8. very nice find thanks, I picked one up!
  9. Oh yeah and Welcome to CR, this is Debo from dubohio and Supplicium on cr/golfmkv/vwvortex/ohiovw
  10. Ill have to disagree. Your 329 lbs heavier than me, 2 inches longer, same width, and a inch lower. The package 2 GTI is tons nicer than the base a3. I was going to buy the a3 but a 5k market up with less features than the GTI and no HIDs is kinda crazy personally. To each his own I guess. I probably should have waited another 3-4 months and spring for the 3.2q a3. I just got chipped and let me tell you our 2.0Tfsi loves it and begs for more. I am quite happy with the 2.0T its fairly quick and gets 30mpg.
  11. me and a few buddies might stop by for the cruise, if not ill prob end up at qsl sometime tonight.
  12. lol I feel left out! all that trap 100 or higher were goin to kahoots at 10:30~! :woowoo:
  13. My friends integra has been in there for like 3-4 years now. He got ultimately screw and I am sure the money he dropped to them is the only reason they've been open the past year.
  14. I am in the process of my build. It's going to be fully loaded and look similar to: http://littleemedia.com/jettapc/01.jpg
  15. do it yourself. http://www.xbox-scene.com follow the step by step instructions its quite easy.
  16. every site I was on eventually closed to US players and transferred my money to Full Tilt. I have 2 friends that have made over 80k a year the past 3 years while still in college and have not held a job. You can use your credit card on full tilt to get your money on. Same with Sportsbook.
  17. Supplicium


    hocking, alum creek, hoover damn im down for anything next weekendish and after
  18. Yeah I go to devry too, I parked next to you once and the turbospec(keith) Ryan has a sick built 3.0L vr6 GTI, its one of my favorite rides!
  19. Heine is a top 5 favorite beer for me. Here is a pic of my buddy ryan with 2 of them! http://www.itsdebo.com/ryan.jpg
  20. shanton you should go to motorstadt in MI with me and some other dubs.
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