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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. if your really bored, get a ton of dixi cups and fill them with water and cover his floor. if you really want to be a dick fill them with kool-aid.
  2. I am down for Basketball. my skinny ass would die in football.
  3. bump, wish i had the extra cash. i love that gli!
  4. We should all fly out like to Boston or Ft. Laudy for a beer and fly back.
  5. We (our group of friends) give Keith a hard time cause he has 250+hp but runs 15's. It will be interesting this weekend to see what our cars make on the dyno. I think Keith makes a little more than he thinks.
  6. Im in for the 28th, Keith we should cruisin together, maybe get ryan to dyno his beast so we actually know what he is puttin down. along with a/f can you do boost?
  7. Keith how did you change your advatar? you just joined and ive been on for almost a year and cant change mine when we going to dyno our cars? IPS or slomo i froget which is havin one on the 28th for pretty cheap.
  8. Supplicium


    Welcome. I like to see more euros on this forum :-D
  9. def solid all around. There are a few heavily modified at this autox i go to and they havent seen a problem.
  10. what exactly does a lot attendant do?
  11. what up nick, its debo.
  12. defiently the first 1. and had the 6.5 on the side.
  13. Yeah omg. My girlfriend lives by 315 and 161 Worthington. I usually drop her off after midnight. No matter what time it is there is atleast 1 cop there at the school or Volvo dealer. One night they had a huge DUI check point there. I might put a front plate on now gees.
  14. It is pretty easy. Setup a wireless network access point, secure it. Download all you want to an external hard drive. Never burn it to a CD/DVD. If you see a fed at your door, unsecure your AP, destroy the external hard drive, and the hard drive in your computer. Get a lawyer Win Case/Lose all your porn.
  15. I probably will save my tires and watch. I might run, we'll see.
  16. I was right on her ass, I am pretty sure it said E65. Isnt that the V12 bi-turbo? The lady had to be 60 who was driving lol.
  17. I saw a E65 AMG yesterday, I didnt even think it was out yet. It sounded soooooo mean!
  18. that is nuts. if you wanna kill yourself just go out in the woods and shoot yourself... why take random people with you.
  19. Only 30k miles?! I messed my pants. Sorry to jack your thread but do you have a link to any other forum thats shows off your S4?
  20. Let me know, id be interested. Im either going R32 HPA Turbo or Build a B5 S4.
  21. Can I buy your S4 when your tired of it? :-D
  22. My buddy reg'd and when he logs in the forum shows there are no threads. His account name is: turbospec can a mod please fix his account thx. Also, is there anyway to change my account name from Supplicium to DeBo? Edit: for some reason I cannot reply. But thanks for the reply. I will talk to turbospec. Thanks
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