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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. Getting married at Tall Timbers in Reynoldsburg a month from tomorrow. They have been great to work with, its a large venue needing a minimum of 150 to book. A fire place was a big thing for us a we are getting married in jan. They also have a huge marble dance floor.
  2. If people were half as interested in making their cars faster rather than having an e-slap fight about fucking crossfit and "Rustling Jimmies" columbus racing might actually get back to racing roots. But please, tell us more how Billy's way of training is better than Ted's way of training...


    Please tell me again how you've thrown paychecks at your car and for it to still run 12's.

  3. Ok, that's better. Just wanted to be clear that fruits are simple carbohydrates and would spike you blood sugar quite a bit. Also, you have to be careful when saying grains are complex, because anything made with white flour is not. Two slices of whole wheat bread will spike your blood sugar more than a Snickers bar so it's tough to make a blanket statement like 'grains are complex cars.'


    Very true.

  4. I'm just saying, for most people I've known that have gotten into the Crossfit scene, most don't have the first damn clue of anything involving putting on muscle or increasing strength, and just buy into the first thing they are told and hold that as the golden world. Sure their are cases where people do know what it takes, but I'd say a majority are cubicle rats who hear from a cohort about this and join in. The when they blow a knee out squatting down so far to make their ass touch the ground with oversized rubber weights on the bar...:lolguy:

    If this doesn't rustle jimmies not sure what else will :gabe:


    The jimmies are already rustled my friend.

  5. In for the lulz in 5-10 years when crossfitters joint are fucked and try to blame it on the "trainers." The vids I watched looked like something my powerlifting coach in high school showed us as examples of what forms NOT to use :lolguy:




    One of my powerlifitng coaches would have punched me in the face or kidneys. REAL TALK

  6. Disc golf :dumb: as if this thread couldn't get any gayer. Leave it up to Squidbilly Benny to take it to that level.


    Wanna meet up at planet fitness this weekend bruh..


    Maybe walk on the tread mill, hit the machines and grab a piece of pizza on the way out?

  7. Of coarse, 2-3 meets a year , I'm starting my training for the raw unity meet I'd like to do.

    When was the last time you did one?


    but Less gay we need more pics of chicks


    '09, seems like forever ago. I would like to get back in it but keep battling this sciatica every few months. :fuuuu:


    I would also like to find a PL gym that's not forever away from me. Having to travel 40min to train is a PITA.


    Ok, real life post..

    Newb gains are typically 10 - 25 pounds of muscle a year because a normal human body will only add on 1-2 pounds of muscle a month naturally. Once you get closer to your peak like stated its extremely hard to gain. 3 of the guys in that picture played college sports and have been lifting for a while. Incorporating cross fit plus power lifting is where they get their gain. Cross fit is used for cardio while weight lifting is for muscle building. They do it right, and teach doing it right, but its a hybrid of the two.



    I believe this is what crossfit was originally supposed to do. What its evolved into is something else. Lord knows that getting a meat to do conventional cardio is almost impossible. Powerlifting alone will put on "thickness/density" when switching from a traditional weightlifting/bodybuilding regimen.

  9. Can anybody just come and watch the chicks workout?

    I'd be willing to even fetch all the ladies water when they need it.........


    less gay in this thread is needed and more pics of chicks....


    Have you gone to a meet yet?

  10. I will say that you know your stuff catching that typo. It was was my cousin plus 4 guys not three, and I rounded up. Would you like for me to ask each of their individual gains? I have another 10 minutes before I go to work.


    After noob gains putting on anywhere near 3-5lbs a year of muscle unassisted is almost impossible. Majority of the weight will come from water/adipose tissue. Professional bodybuilders are happy with 2-5lbs stage weight per year.


    If you could read through my trolling, you will see that im all for people working out and getting in shape. You will also see i support proper crossfit gyms. The bodies you have shown are not the typical crossfit junkie, majority of people inside a crossfit gym are in shape and have great endurance.

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