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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. My cousin and 3 of those guys in the picture have put on about 100 pounds of muscle between them in the last year.


    Please read that again, you realize professional bodybuilders don't pack on that much in a year right?

  2. Of course you would assume you know me steven. Before York Gym in Parma sold out it was all PL/BB guys.


    I can see exactly why you may have had a different experience with people accepting you and wanting to help. Cocky fucks who think they have the corner on good ideas have to figure out everything on their own... and get their gear in Mexico.


    I'm going to leave majority of this post alone.



    Do you know me? Have we met?

  3. What would you say about a cross fit gym full of certified personal trainers? One that teaches proper form along with incorporating weight resistance in cardio?


    One that still does strange stuff but produces results like this?



    Majority of the results in that picture most likely didn't come from crossfit... i know hard to believe right?

  4. What would you say about a cross fit gym full of certified personal trainers? One that teaches proper form along with incorporating weight resistance in cardio?


    Sounds like a great place to workout. I know of a few in the columbus area that are filled with great trainers. Still the greatest trainers end up with horrible injuries. This can be found in any sport/gym as well. However it seems to be a very common thing to have shoulder, knee and back problems from going to a different type of crossfit gym. This is where the problem comes, people get into crossfit and decide to open a gym. There are so many crossfit gyms popping up in central ohio that you can't keep up with them.


    The idea behind crossfit is great don't get me wrong. Everyone should workout and enjoy what they do. If its what you enjoy then by all means go for it. I just don't want to hear about your bumper weight PR is all.


    Every real BB, PL, or, while we're at it, racer, I've met, has been welcoming and understanding to the entry level. Isn't that interesting how that works? Those who have made it embrace the Noobs. Those who are somewhere in the middle are insecure and feel the need to defend their brand.


    O rly? :dumb:


    Don't think you've interacted with any REAL powerlifters/bodybuilders inside their element.

  6. So...you all are professional lifters with professional lifting girlfriends? My bad. Didn't know who we were dealing with. Forgive me?


    I competed at a national level if that helps. :fuckyeah:











































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  7. So did I. So, please tell me I'm doing something wrong by incorporating crossfit-type training into traditional bodybuilding training.


    You'd think someone like you - who is obviously not a novice when it comes to fitness - would support the notion that doing different physical activities is a great way of "shocking" the system and breaking through a plateau.


    Its not necessarily "shocking" anything. Crossfit will not make you a) stronger or b) bigger without some "help" therefore it really has nothing to offer other than endurance.


    However as said before if its what gets you off the couch and working out then im all for it. Its different, it offers a new workout each time you step in the gym and it takes no thought as you typically have a coach. So for the person who has no drive to invest any time into themselves and just wants to show up somewhere and be taken through a workout with a bunch of other people while practicing terrible form then by all means.... go for it.


    You will never be able to change a power lifters out look on the idea of crossfit. We have 2 totally different philosophies on how a workout should progress. We're constantly watching our form during a lift as its what is looked at during a meet. So throwing weights around in any fashion is unbelievable in our minds. Crossfit takes maximal effort and explosive exercises, lowers the weight in order to perform 10-15-20 reps as fast as possible. At this point the exercise is no longer offering the benefits it was created to do.

  8. The dislike from crossfit stems from the promotion that it is the end-all for athletic training and that their athletes are superior then other sports. The garbage that is spout off during their "games" on ESPN is pathetic from the announcers. I do respect it is as a way for a person to get into shape or try something different temporarily to mix things up, nothing else. Yenner quoted it best earlier:




    Nailed it.

  9. 2pointslow I seriously doubt you ever really did a real crossfit workout or you wouldn't be knocking it.

    I know a guy that does 95 pounds on the bench press, doing the 20 secs on 20 secs off. One day somebody asked him why he couldn't put up an "real" wieght, so he throws up 395 for 2 reps just to shut him up. The old axiom of "lift big to get big" is old school and has been proven wrong time after time.

    Maybe your beef is with Crossfit, it is just an name and nothing more, sure it is trademarked but its the only moniker that the public recognizes.



    395 as to say thats alot? :dumb: Keep your talk of light weight inside the crossfit atmopshere please. Thanks.


    And yes i have been through plenty of crossfit workouts. I was going through crossfit workouts before it was "cool."

  10. I don't have to lose 140lbs because I wasn't a fat ass morbidly obese piece of living, breathing whale blubber like you were.


    now all hazing aside, congrats on the weight loss. Definately takes heart and determination to achieve what you overcame.


    Sorry didnt read any of this, i was to busy doing kipp ups and christines. Got a new PR time..



    Stupid bodybuilders.. go read a fucking book you damn ape.

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