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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. Lol. I've probably put more miles on SRT products than anyone on this forum. I worked in vehicle development and was focused on Chrysler models, which included all Challenger, 300/Charger, Journey, Sebring/Avenger, Caliber/Patriot/Compass, and Wrangler variants as well as select Nitro, Ram, and Grand Cherokee's (including some testing with your SRT WK). Probably 90% of the time I spent in these vehicles involved limit handling on a closed test track. I left this position for my current job close to the 6.4L Challenger launch (probably spent ~3 days a week, 8-12 hours a day, for 6 months in this car), while we were working with 6.4L LX/LD mules. I spent even more time in the 6.1 cars.


    So, yeah, I think I can speak on the subject.



  2. it doesnt sound like this was the case... it sounds like scott needed to make himself feel like a true outdoorsman.



    I gots dis ratkoon outside muh house. Dis dute gon get it today, today is not his day... today is muh day.





    "sips busch light"

























    TODAY YOU DIE.........

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  3. this...



    scott you are an idiot. Really? this animal is going to attack your kid and wife? im sure he has been in that area longer than you. not only did you do a shit job killing the animal, you made yourself look like an uneducated dumbass. if you see a homeless person digging through your trash can do you take a shovel to them? prolly not, if you see a stray dog, would you shoot it? prolly not... but we all know how scary racoons are. godamn glad you killed that one, it could have started the zombie attacks. NICE JOB SCOTT


    Generally they are more afraid of you, however a raccoon that is pissed off and not afraid of humans can inflict damage. (srs)


    If you don't believe me, go catch one.

  4. I don't consider myself a Hippy or anything but I agree 100% with this.

    Little dude was just trying to survive like you, but his life is 300% harder.


    I just don't have it in me to hurt an innocent creature. A human burglar though..:dumb:


    I would have tried a little harder to get it to go away. Any sort of barrier will help when approaching an animal you may think is harmful to you. A broom, hockey stick, piece of 2x4 or even a sheet of plywood can help you shoo off any animal.


    If the animal is either 1 charges you and shows aggression or 2 doesn't seem the least bit afraid of you then its time to do something else. Calling pest control would be number one, only in an immediate situation should you kill the animal.




    I'm all for hunting and all for pest control, a raccoon trying to find a meal isn't a pest.

  5. Yup...2yrs ago I ran over ne in the back alley while she was crossing really fast in front of me with babies on her back.


    I broker her back and she pulled herself with her front claws to the side, with 1 or 2 babies still hanging on, the rest had been flattened. I'm like "great, what do I do now?" I hate them but don't want to see them suffer. I go back to the house, get my 1200fps pellet gun, drive back down the alley, aim the gun out of my window, and I put 2 in the back of her dome piece. The I finish the bother baby(s) as there is no way they are going to survive without their mom.


    I took about 7 opossums out that night.



  6. So you're advocating population control through mandatory abortion? That's probably the best solution. "We could just cut off your assistance and force you to work and pay your own bills, but instead we're just going to kill your unborn children for the next year and then sterilize you."





    How is that dumb? If you need to rely on the government to pay your bills then you don't need to have kids. I know thats probably hard for you to understand. Yes, abortion why should i have to pay for people to sit around and populate the world with degenerate kids? When you take a handout you should no longer have the same freedoms a working american does. Why you ask? I know someone who makes $11/hr, gets wick and other government assistance, doesn't have to pay taxes and gets about 8k a year back from the government for his 2 kids... Are you fucking kidding me? The system is ass backwards and i'm sick of it. So in order to control the amount of people who are born into this lifestyle and work the system. I am willing to stand up and say that yes, this is ok and something does need to be done.

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