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Posts posted by 2pointslow

























































  2. Yes, because kneejerk invasions without the approval of a budget-conscious Congress went over SO well in Afghanistan and Iraq.


    Obama's in a bit of a pickle here; invade and the Republican Congress will jump down his throat for throwing money at a country we have no interest in. Don't invade and the Republican candidates will jump down his throat for being weak on foreign policy.


    We won't invade, because at the moment a majority of voters care more about stopping government spending (including military) than nuking the Middle East.


    All of this....

  3. Oh yeah, we really can't rock the boat to hard. The last thing we need is Iran to get the bright idea to pick a fight with Israel, and Israel gets the bright idea to turn Iran into a big glowing hole in the ground.





    I would lower gas prices, legalize pot (uncle sugar would be gettin his cut on that :gabe: ) and return this country to it's glory days. God, Guns, Guts, and Gory my friends, this is what the US was founded on. You don't like it, go to a place where slackers and hippy types are welcome.


    Its not just Iran you have to worry about, i don't think Israel wants anything to do with Iran. Which is why they will not go in without backing from the US. China and Russia have announced they will back Iran if the US gets involved.


    Do we want to get involved with that over the slaying of a US ambassador? There's so many things we need to clean up before we start kicking down doors.

  4. Would you atleast lower gas prices??? I have yet to hear a candidate say anything in relation to this. The first person who says I'm cutting gas prices gets my vote. Idgaf if it's hitler and bin ladens baby. I just want $2.00 gas back


    Never going to happen, neither party controls the oil prices.

  5. There are multiple reasons why I should not be president, my policy with stuff like this would be simple: You have 3 days to bring us the people who did this, if you don't we are going to come find them, and you won't like that.


    With the current situation and talks over Israel and Iran. The US must tread lightly.

  6. Yep. We should devote our time and money to our own country and our own problems. Only time we should be involved is if they attack our country. Then fire the missiles and make some nice new craters :megusta:


    And use our own oil reserves?


    Drill on our own land and piss off the hippies?








    yes if we send troops over for under 180 days then it isn't considered war and the president can send over troops without congress. Anything over that needs the backing of congress.. Which needs the backing of the check writers, if the check writers are not willing to go to war then guess what... we're not going to war.

  8. my question isnt about finding my max. if i wanted to go off the fastest ive ever got my heart pumping, its up around 199-201. even going off this, 171 is 85%...for 6 hours.


    My question is how do i get stroger to the point that im not putting that much stress on my heart? i could do a slow ride at 14mph and keep my HR at 140 and ride literally all day long. how do i work to the point where i can do a faster paced ride and keep a lower HR so i can have more endurace and not feel like im working so hard?



    Get a stress test done/ vo2max done.

  9. tl;dr version?


    Paul decides he wants to have this super awesome bachelor party and open invites everyone on cr. Phil then takes it upon himself to get 2 midget strippers and a donkey for the after party. Phil then invites everyone he knows including jesus, jesus confirms he is coming. Paul finds out about super awesome party via text, email, facebook, morse code, smoke signals and any other way phil came up with to let everyone know about this 3 times a day.


    Phil then decides to purchase alcohol being that he is such an awesome friend and wants to give paul the time of his life. Paul then declines sending phil into a drunken state where he rides the donkey around while shooting the strippers in his boxers, cowboy hat on and bottle of PBR in hand.





    Cliffs for the cliffs:

    Paul is a whiny bitch

    Phil is a good friend

    The donky lives







    Jesus shows up late

    Rapture begins













    You're all fucked.

  10. Don't worry this guys still here.


    Don't get me wrong I appreciate the effort but I told u fools from the get go this ain't happening. I forewarned u but nooooo no one ever listens to this guy...


    No one ever listens to the one getting married.

  11. LOL @ LUAP...



    Paul, phil went out of his way to set this up and you wont even make an appearance? I mean for fucks sake i had to sit through 2 days of status updates, facebook messages and texts about this party. You could at least do us all a favor and go.

  12. Before you buy a G19 you should read up on all the problems they have been having


    That being said, the only way I'd be a Glock is if it were a police trade in, those sometimes dip below $300.



    As long as its a detective, most police trade ins are used and abused. A lot of the glocks vances gets in are range guns. no thanks.

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