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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. How far ahead of time are you talking? For example, lets say on a day like today, up at 630, breakfast, at work at 8, lunch at 12, and i plan to ride at 6. I know if i dont eat within an hour or so of starting, i break really early. So what would be something to shoot for during lunch, and something pre ride?



    I guess its what you have access to in order to prepare your meals or reheat them/cook them at work.


    Days you ride i would consider a sweet potato, brown rice or some other form of complex carb with lunch along with a lean protein of some sort.


    Prior to the ride ( about 1hour) eat some granola.

  2. Such as? I honestly probably need to figure out a good diet and stick to it. I usually try to stay hydrated leading up to a ride day, although i know i could/should do much better. If im riding in the AM, i slam carbs the night before. Evening rides ill eat a decent lunch, and have some carbs/sugar (pb&j) about an hour before, has helped me a lot doing that.


    I should say, its not that i really feel fatigued, i mean, i keep with our group and dont get dropped like i did start of the year, i just want to do what im doing now, but with less effort/not requiring as much energy...then i can have some extra reserves for when a few of us want to mess around and do sprints and just go balls to the wall for 2-300 meters, im not burnt out and hitting 199+ bpm after 100 meters.


    Cut out the fat before the ride, take in complex carbs.

  3. from what i've found, and theres many different formulas, my MHR should be between 185 and 188.


    we usually ride at a steady pace, it was slower earlier this year as i wasnt nearly as strong as i am now, but we usually keep a 19-22 pace for the whole ride. obviously we do a slower pace when we go out for hill training around granville, lancaster, etc, but for the most part, its pretty consistent. and we'll have spots in the ride where we might hammer at 26-27mph for a couple miles then drop back down to 20-21, but then have a hill towards the end which i'm thrilled to keep 14-15mph going up it


    as for winter, this is the first year that i've gotten into cycling seriously. i had a bike last year, it was 5cm too big for me, and i got about 1200 miles in. total. this year, i bought a new bike, getting out a lot more (pushing 3100 miles so far since end of feb, and still plenty of time to ride). the majority of my rides are between 40-60 miles, had a few that were longer. i have a trainer i bought last winter, and plan to try to use it a lot more this winter, but as i already know, and keep hearing from friends who ride, trainers get boring. thats why i want to try to do spin class a few days a week. get in with a group of people, have others there to push each other, etc. in my basement its just kinda "eh, this is good enough", when its probably not.


    for anyone interested in looking at my activity, http://ridewithgps.com/users/84159 ...it'll show rides i've done, distance, time, average speed, etc, and starting around 7/10/12 (?) or so, my heart rate information, since thats when i picked up my Garmin w/ HRM.


    i think my resting is high 50's, low 60's. i can control my HR while riding, i just can't control it AND produce more power. lol. when i see it creeping up to my max level, i know i have to dial back my effort to keep it from going over my peak, but that results in slower riding. i'd like to get to a point where i can put out a more decent effort/speed without the crazy jump. i can average 18mph for 50-60 miles (as seen on my ride last sunday...and even though it says low 17s, its because the route i took had a couple shitty spots where i had to ride gravel for a mile and half doing 9, or grass where the "paved trail" stopped") at 154bpm, but last week when i rode dublin tuesday night, i think we averaged 22.0 with a 173+ average HR. thats 93% of my MAX. that can't be good for training. or can it?


    I'm not going to explain in great detail but there's a lot that goes into why you cannot produce power at a high heart rate. Most of it has to do with muscle type.


    I for instance suck at distance, i can move an incredible amount of weight for low reps. However my muscles fatigue quickly with high reps. It's the same with cardio. Quick sprints vs. long distance, my muscles fatigue fast but can produce a lot of power in short burst/distances.Fortunately you can train your body for certain things, you will not be as good as someone who is genetically built with slow twitch fibers though. Also, get your V02 max taken at osu. That is another factor that may be hindering your performance.


    Are you taking any stimulants?

  4. Just noticed this little unclaimed note in my rep section....


    "wow kid, you need to learn how to support your self, still living off mommy and daddy. pathetic"



    Clearly this is a person that has never met me or was gabe/paul (in that case, i laugh.....always).



  5. I was looking at them to but the guy next door to me pretty much gave this to me it was just rebuilt ( have all the papper work on it ) and its got the bells and whistles


    do you live next door to Ricky Carmichael?

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