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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. Agreed. I am just increasing how the program told me to. Maybe ill bump it up some extra next workout. Does a person typically deadlift more or less than their squat?


    more, like 60-100lbs more

    my raw numbers right now are

    415 bench

    500 squat

    575 deadlift


    i have done

    430 bench

    510 squat

    585 deadlift



    Yes, it can also vary depending on stature and frame. I have met people who dead/squat the same. I also know people who squat 2-300lbs more than their dead lift. I should add that they pull some pretty amazing numbers.

  2. I agree, this stuff is insane. 123lbs. dude taking 370lbs from the floor to over his head. Kim Jung Il knew how to make powerlifters.


    erm... no, olympic weight lifting and powerlifting are 2 different things.



    Although the definition of powerlifting fits oly lifting better.

  3. Was driving up to the typical stop and go spot on 270 E just past sawmill when we had to slow to about 30 in the fast lane...he rearended me and never even hit the brakes. My back hurts bros.


    get dat money playa.

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