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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. I'm not doctor, but he probably has some vitamin deficiency for some reason that came out in his testing and it has an effect on his chemical balance. I would imagine it may very well be specific to his situation, especially considering his relatively rare physical condition (brain damage).


    Correct, although the over the counter was sam-e.

  2. I don't suffer from depression anymore but for the longest time i did. I ended up having a few tests done and found out that part of my brain damage has caused me to have pretty deep/black thoughts. I was prescribed an over the counter vitamin and it has helped greatly.
  3. I'm outside for several hours a day, got a promotion/raise, have a great girlfriend, am closer to achieving goals I have set for myself. But even with all the positive just get depressed. It was never like this even when I didn't have half the good things in my life that I have now.


    Stress of life man, always wanting more. Even when you're succeeding you will always want more and that will keep you down.

  4. People

    Obese people

    Obese people who feel the need to sit next to me, motherfucker there is room for 2 normal sized people here not 2 land whales.. gtfo.

    Obese people breathing around me

    Obese people eating around me

    Obese people eating and breathing around me


    Wanna be gangsters from westerville

    Wanna be gangsters from the country- LOL



    All hip hop music

    country music



    Trophy Hunters

    People who dont punish their dogs

    People who dont punish their kids




    Free health care


    gov housing

    Having to work for other peoples needs

    Paying taxes

    Buying dog food ( srs)

    Going to sleep

    Kids with ILS

    Wanna be powerlifters

    Body builders

    natural body builders

  5. That IS NOT a wolf spider. That is a species of fishing spider, Dolomedes. Yes, they are generally near water, but some species don't have to be. There are a ton of different varieties. Be careful mis-diagnosing creatures as you could unintentionally cause harm to someone. The fishing spider in this case doesn't pose much harm unless you have allergic reaction as someone mentioned above (but about wolf spiders). If you don't know much about them, read up a bit on wiki or watch some vids. Fascinating spiders. Many of them have amazing hunting methods.


    The "wasp/bee" thing is actually a common european hornet.


    Thank you, i couldn't figure out what it was. Its legs are far to long to be a wolf spider and now makes sense that it would be a water spider.

  6. I was going to say Wolf. Wolf spiders are harmless.


    Actually, wolf spiders are poisonous and can produce a nasty bite. However, just like in this instance they are quick and will run away before biting you. They are not easily provoked, a bite to a child or a sick elderly human can cause complications. Also a bite to a dog/cat can be pretty nasty.

  7. huh, what are you trying to say? without ignorance?

    real mean do not wear gloves, that is true. Deadlifting 500+ does not shape you like a bowling ball, quite the contrary. If you cand lift 500lbs off the floor you are not a man.


    sounds like you just want to have a lean built build, in which core exercises would help.


    No bro you got that all wrong, you bowling ball shaped ape.


    2011svt i suggest you try this workout.




    Curls in the squat rack

    shoulder press


    Curls in the half rack

    Push downs ( bent over, gotta incorporate them shoulders)

    Pull Downs

    A few quick mirror posses ( look around first to see if anyone is watching)

    Set up for dead lifts 315#s to start (walk around for a few, put on some more weight and then leave it.. act like you just lifted 500lbs like a boss)

    Slam a bro-tein shake... yes bro-tein ( 100% more bio available than protein.)

    Walk on the treadmill @ 30%incline while holding onto the handles @ a 2 speed


    Dont forget to do them crunches before you leave.

  8. If I wanted to deadlift 500+ and have a physique like a bowling ball, yes. Working towards more of a running back or baseball player build, no. That said, I think there is huge benefit in becoming expert at those five basic exercises and using them as the core of a strength program.


    yes, because neither of these athletes dead lift. :dumb:

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