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Everything posted by Mr3GTP

  1. Truth. My customers are my bread & butter, and I treat them accordingly. Many satisfied customers don't 'spread the word'. They paid for quality service, and got it. No miracle there. Trust is built over years of doing good work for people, and though they may recommend you to friends & family, they're not likely to shout at the top of their lungs to the world about what a great shop you run. Pissed-off customers, on the other hand, will raise hell in every way possible. Even the ones who are impossible to satisfy; those who would bitch if you rebuilt their engine and only charged them $20, because it should've been done in a day.
  2. Well, let's see...it's got a blower, sure, but it also has a queer-ass wing, and piss-poor bodykit. Those fucking exhaust tips make me want to strangle someone. It was surely owned by a non-driving domestic riceboy, and is likely beat to shit. No real car enthusiast would put that 'gay pride' wing on an S/C'd Mustang. I'd give 'em $3500 max. If I want overpriced crap, I'll go to JD Byrider...
  3. I hate people who make nitpicking posts about whiny posts about people who say they want to sell their cars and aren't ready. j/k
  4. Little asshole had it coming. If he had shown his ID at the beginning, it would've been 'just another boring night at the Library'. HE made it a conflict, and he got owned. Tazers ft motherfucking w!
  5. That's California...the US judicial system has no relevence there. I'm liking the 'Nevada beachfront property' idea more and more...
  6. New motor (now underway), upping the boost to 10 or so. Walbro pump (Mustang unit is a bolt-in), short-ratio trans. Dropping the front about 2", and the rear about 1" with stiffer coils to keep the weight forward. Stickier tires, at least for the track. I want to build a pair of "connectors" between the swaybar mounts & lower control arm attachment points, to help counter the effects of torque on the unibody. Also, a "dog-bone" restraint for the top of the engine (these mounts suck) and maybe a cable restraint for the bottom. Most of the exhaust is built; I'll have to have the engine in place to fab a downpipe & mount the glasspack I'm using for a resonator. And hopefully, a nice factory-color paint job.
  7. ...but the story is pure :bs: ! Snopes is your friend, I think they covered this one years ago...
  8. Yea, I gotta open another eBay account. Stu_Piddidiot sounds like a good username... To each their own, I guess. A fool and his/her money...
  9. To each his own, yes, but talk about mass stupidity. It's a fuckin' GAME SYSTEM, not the Holy Grail! On the other hand, it'd be fun to fill a SuperSoaker with piss & take a ride down there, lol... j/k
  10. [Forrest Gump] Stupid is as stupid does, sergeant![/Forrest Gump]
  11. :nod: Yup, def a classic!
  12. Great vid! Hate to say it, but spelin > yoo
  13. Mr3GTP


    Blow big goo? I knew it! Michigan does swallow!
  14. That, my friends, is the shit.
  15. Nice guy with a trailer? As you requested, sir; http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/4207/55tm3.jpg
  16. Incredible balance & coordination! I used to BMX, and I'd 'trick it up' a little, but I couldn't touch that!
  17. That is badass! Beautiful work! Damn...
  18. Great list. I'm a child of the '70s, and some of that list applies to me, really. Case in point; the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries were popular when I was in Elementary & Junior High. I think they date back to the '50s or '60s, not sure. We played outside, the neighborhood was full of kids, and we knew EVERYONE for blocks around (in the 'burbs). Most of us were always active. Hell, I roller skated, skateboarded, rode BMX to train for touring rides. Good times, when we used our imaginations for entertainment. As for video games, I was in my early teens when we got an Atari 2600. Before that, I had played my neighbor's Coleco-vision... My preference was Pinball, but I couldn't afford a machine for the house.
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