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Everything posted by Mr3GTP

  1. Ford makes cars, their owners make 'em fast!
  2. Mr3GTP


    No harm, no foul. Yea, Spring should be a blast! Good luck with yours as well. Funny, the Cardo link works for me. I'll look into it when I get home. Thanks for the heads-up.
  3. Mr3GTP


    Like I said, Mojoe, I'd love to see the car in person. If it changes my opinion, I'll start a thread entitled "Eating My Words". The styling is certainly dramatic, and from the side looks good, but that grille kinda kills it for me in pics. In person, the effect may be quite different.
  4. Mr3GTP


    The rearend must be way short. I'll bet the axle shafts will fit in a shoebox!
  5. Mr3GTP


    Damn straight! Talk about a 'rush'!
  6. Mr3GTP


    The Veyron is an awesome automobile, the styling just doesn't 'trip my trigger'. I'd love to drive one just once. As for seeing one in person, you may be right. If the opportunity arises, and you are correct, I'll eat my words with pleasure. ...and the Tempo, well, no comparison to a machine like the Veyron. But, with no available aftermarket, it's a fun, unique project rather than a 'state-of-the-art' all-out supercar. I had to build everything myself or adapt from other apps. It's quick & fun now, fast will come in time as I upgrade.
  7. Mr3GTP


    Nicely done, really. No expense spared. That car, and the Veyron, are proof that "ugly" can be quite costly.
  8. Bryce started with a 4-cylinder car. In switching to the SHO rather than a standard 3.0 Vulcan, he had to transplant the ECM, harness, etc anyways. The differences between the 4- & 6-cylinder cars are the trans (different bellhousing & mounts), the ECM, and wiring. One Michigan member put a SHO trans in his '92 Tempo GLS (rare V6 sport model), the gear spacing & final drive ratio are much better. Thanks, and no webpage yet. There is a thread on the tempotopaz.com forums "Performance Modifications" section, "Project S/C, Re-revisited", that details the latter part of the job. Unfortunately, two threads displaying the project from its beginning were lost when the site was revamped. http://www.tempotopaz.com/main/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=451 Damn pics are gone now, wtf? I know the server's been shitty lately, the site is in the midst of an ownership transfer. I'll set up a Cardo site or something, I guess.
  9. One of the mods at tempotopaz.com (Olympic) put a SHO drivetrain in a '94 Topaz. Pretty damn quick. Now, he's putting a second one in the rear! Nice guy, met him at a Club meet back in '03. He has an "in progress" thread on the site's forum.
  10. I like my little Ebay cooler (shown in the mockup phase of the Tempo build), and it was about $135 shipped from streetimports.com. When it's running, the difference in temp between the inlet & outlet sides is considerable. It's a "bar & plate" type, with fins inside the tubes. Very efficient, and low restriction for my little HSC. The Eaton M62 is visible next to the "rad", simulated in cardboard. The next phase will be an M90, with more motor work. I'll need a bigger cooler, but this one is fine for what I plan to run at this point. http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/4390/ebayiczz3.jpg
  11. I wonder who the pilots were? That flying was incredible!
  12. Mr3GTP


    In Italy, they don't fuck around with gates to block off restricted areas... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbpF1_sKIpo
  13. I ran a Carfax on mine for just that reason; came back clean. Bought it on Ebay as a parts car.
  14. Mr3GTP

    Dyno Graph

    Awesome boost, must be stacking pretty tough with stock manis & cats. Can't wait for the results when you free it up & let 'er breathe.
  15. I was in that situation...luckily I bought the damn thing for parts anyways. I stripped it, and threw the shell in our steel hopper. Many good parts, more then paid for itself. For a 'track only' car, it wouldn't matter (who needs to register a trailer queen?), but that Tempo was too rusted to fuck with. I abused the shell a little to make it smaller by dropping it off a raised forklift, then finished it off with a big-as front-end loader. Best stress therapy I've ever had...
  16. On that Deutz engine, the main caps are all combined to form an integrated girdle. If that video depicts the actual engine, I'll bet it's pretty stout... :thumbup: If not, might be a good idea for someone with access to a machine shop, and lots of time.
  17. Good show, but as far as fuzzy co-stars went, ALF was my favorite.
  18. Needs a 383 stroker, a 6-speed, a Corvette or Jag IRS, upgraded brakes, and some suspension work to the front, and you'd have an awesome autobahn cruiser! Imagine the fun of picking off Bimmers in a box Chevy!
  19. Some good shit on youtube...here's one that's a few years old as well. Struck me as funny since I own 3 of those... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaB11iNrmVA
  20. Mr3GTP

    Who's on OT?

    Great place to vent...high percentage of fucktards, but hey, it's just the internet :gome:
  21. The party's doing the right thing in disowning him. They have many more to go...the current crop of 'neocons' should be swept out the door as well.
  22. Mr3GTP

    just look!

    ...and health Nazis ftl. If the statistics on 'secondhand smoke' weren't so inflated... In this PC society, no one has the balls to call BS on those "truth" ads. If they could prove their claimed death toll, excluding any other possible cause, I might believe it. I'm not saying secondhand smoke is harmless, I just think the risk is overstated. I can remember the panics over Alar, red dye #2, etc. So, it's not like I have no reason to be suspicious. [/rant], now back to our regularly scheduled thread. Ex-smoker here
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