Thats a lot of typing for someone that doesnt care. When I dont care I dont even type that I dont care... I just dont care. Your not caring has more care than when most do care. I know you probably dont care about the way I care so I look forward to your 3 paragraph post about just how much you dont care about the way I do or dont care.
If I were to pick it would look like this.
Daddys Boy
major Payne
sir post a lot
The apache
Alex L
This is based off of time logged in and familiarity.
Johnny Bravo
I trust these judges to be neutral and fair
Brian with the trans am
Brian with the trans am
and Brian with the trans am
We fucking drive trans ams.. need I say more?
When I grow up I want to be...
...I want to be a star
...I want to be in movies
I also would like to...
...see the world
...Drive nice cars
...I want to have groupies/boobies (cant decide which one)
Sir Post a lot. He has the stamina of a crack head on speed with a redbull iv. You may think you're winning but when you go to bed he's still up and posting until you wake up again.
My take on college....That 4-5 years you spend at a university building your social skills is wasted time on so many peoples careers. 90% of the people I know that graduated are not even doing what they went to school for. If you go to a good school with job placement or accelerated degrees then perfect. The problem is most people dont and sit on their ass while in school instead of working. Another quick point... Taking advanced volleyball at a major school just so you you can graduate is b.s. Schools need to focus more on what you want to do with your life and make it less like an extended high school. People seem to think that degree is a magic piece of paper and its not. If you dont work hard its not worth shit. Like Hal said, it raises the ceiling. You still have to work your way up from the ground in most cases though.
I'm not doing what I want but Im 32 and set to retire in 15 years. My family is taken care of and I can talk myself out of buying a vette every 6 months... feels ok man. Hopefully in a few years it'll feel good.
I'm more likely to ban someone for being annoying over an ebattle. You could tell me you were going to come to my house and kill my dog and I would be like, "This thread is going to be epic!" Then reply with herp derp and be gone for a week. Internets is not serious... I take out my frustration on people at least twice a week.
You dont want to go there. The high top fade will be back in full effect
Says the guys thats on a racing forum in something that would have to get towed out of the water box. Your pussy ass is a neon license plate away from being the king of ohio customs.