I would like to thank you for applying for the position. With regret I must inform you that you are not qualified at this time. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact your local HR representative.
My cousins participating in the tough man. Check out this site.
more pics http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1828660315217&set=o.260364551673&type=1&theater&pid=2254527&id=1201595205#!/photo_search.php?oid=260364551673&view=all
They do all kinds of training at that place based on what you want to get out of it.
I'm getting back into power lifting myself here in the near future. Just want to make sure my body can handle it first due to some medical issues. Doing toughman style workouts will be on the agenda.
I think V8 Beast edited your post.. you went back and changed it, so he edited it again. Can you guess why I did it boys and girls? Ill give you a hint: 2550x3300