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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I see seashells down by the seashore
  2. Jones.. I can see who edits posts. http://www.demotivationalposters.org/image/demotivational-poster/0809/ninja-fail-demotivational-poster-1222453788.jpg
  3. Sir post a lot is a homosexual ninja turtle
  4. Being a member of CR since 2003 Mr. Bravo was known for his good hair and fast cars http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/120508BryanAbrams0022smcopy.jpg Along his journey he purchased a Z06 corvette to add to his legacy. Fast cars and supermodels were a daily occurrence. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/imagesCABA6OE7.jpg Dubbed Dr. Z06 he added a turbo to the vette but the car just never lived up to its real potential. This made Tilley sad http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/120508BryanAbrams0013smlogo.jpg To make matters worse it all ended in a blaze that was not of glory. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/9corvette_20090703_001-1.jpghttp://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/ragefaces-1.jpg With no car to race he slowly left the race scene and CR. It is rumored that during this time he stopped conditioning http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/bryan-abrams.jpg Being older and more mature Bravo trained affliction. Imagine this fuckyeah guy with muscles and a tan. Fuck yeah the fuckyeah :fuckyeah: This helped him to type posts in capital letters with Sam and continue his awesomeness (while still having great hair) http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/120508BryanAbrams0022smcopy.jpg Reflecting his greatness through schnauzers Tilley makes us all laugh which is why he stays in our hearts :lolguy: :masturboy: V8 Beast... Color Me Badd... Bryan Abrams... Really? http://www.cr-h.net/pics/tilleysuit.jpg
  5. I laughed, I read your post, I stopped laughing. The forum no longer likes you.
  6. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/6db778de.jpg http://rlv.zcache.com/img/imt-prd/pd-137299890145917137/isz-m/at-238560305421145726/realview.jpg?urbaninside_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbandictionary.com%2Fproducts.image.php%3Fdefid%3D4662629%26greeting_card_inside%3D1%26revision%3Df983bae7e3a7392981efa2ad8f743a8ed780cd8e&urbanword_txt=Ginger%20balls&urbanimage_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbandictionary.com%2Fproducts.image.php%3Fdefid%3D4662629%26greeting_card_outside%3D1%26revision%3Df983bae7e3a7392981efa2ad8f743a8ed780cd8e
  7. I came, I laughed, I stayed, I kept laughing, I left, I missed laughing, I came back, I laughed some more, I typed this, I laughed, I'm laughing.
  8. Its not a shop. Thats permanent marker
  9. V8 Beast

    I hate cr

    Diet Dr. Pepper is like Dr. Pepper
  10. It would appear I was framed http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/banned.jpg
  11. V8 Beast

    I hate cr

    CR is short for crack. The first hits free... then when you need it the most we ban your ass until you pay for a track day spot.
  12. Dont need them anymore and the car they were on has been sold. 4 wheels for $175. 1 has a bend/warp on the lip. 18'' 5 lug 4.5 bolt +42 offset http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0234.jpg Wheels alone no tires. If you do want the tires we can work something out. I havent evaluated how much they are worth at this time.
  13. Phils not really a troll, he's a true racer.. havnt you seen the posts???
  14. Phil starts his career with slow car after slow car :no: Race after race he finds himself hitting the steering wheel repeatedly screaming "Y U NO GO FASTER!!" So upset with the speed of his cars and slow timeslips Phil vows to never race at a track again http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRd81n1Uc84cwyTgqsjFVah7gwRAabNNDvf4b24N1vBkebKt4Lnkg&t=1 With no fast car Phil is forced to be known as the guy that plays raquetball. Phill hated how this impacted his street cred :dumb: Finally after years and several different cars he stumbles upon a car with an LSx engine. :masturboy: Knowing he has a real power plant to work with his e-penis grows 10 inches :gabe: He pictures himself calling out everyone in an attempt to gain back his manhood.. laughing at those he defeats :lolguy: In the process of getting the car in running order he is banned from columbus racing again. :fa: After several weeks of seeing the banned message he logs in and can actually see the forum. Immediately starts talking shit like a bauce! :fuckyeah: While Phil is in the middle of replying to this post V8 Beast bans him again just for shits and giggles... http://vglounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/8156.rage_face.jpg
  15. I wanted him to stay too. He's not ready for the NFL. If I were him there is no way I would come back. With all the fair weather fans we have his life would be hell. Sit out games, get treated like shit in public, investigated further, and boo'd when he takes the field. If we lose games while he's benched its his fault... Tressel leaving is his fault. Not to mention if he lost any games during the season the same people crying about him leaving now would say he should have just left instead of coming back... He put himself in a shitty situation.
  16. Due to your conduct your coach has been fired and you will have to sit out the first 2 flag football games this year.
  17. $50 brand new, next to nothing used, and takes 10 minutes to install. Its a "why not" mod because if it breaks that $30 could save you thousands.
  18. Ex-girlfriend. Toot it.. boot it.. interview it :lolguy:
  19. I'm interested to see what he can do at wide receiver.
  20. I do still have it. Lemme know.
  21. Question.. does she own the airport? Since when do people get to decide where other people are allowed to stand? If you dont like him by the bags and he doesnt want to move, you move the damn bags.
  22. I'm with you.. I'll be drinking a blend of lime sherbert and sprite. For you alchies you can add vodka to it for a kick.
  23. Possibly, if they race after 8pm.
  24. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/Traffic-Ticket-1.jpg
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