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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I wear my sun glasses at night
  2. Pizza is one of his favorites.. but like stated don't let him sleep in your room afterwards. I have been woken up out of a deep sleep from stinky farts. I also havnt found a food that he doesn't like.
  3. Good to hear! He looked right at home.
  4. Its definitely got that exotic feel to it. How many double takes did you get driving it home?
  5. I have to.. when its cold outside I drop her insurance to comprehensive
  6. Welcome to the site. That is a very nice car you have there!
  7. There's a difference between tethering and using the browser on the phone. The companies can tell the difference even if you are encrypted or using pda.net. Encrypting would stop them from using torrents as an excuse though.
  8. V8 Beast

    CR Poker

    Hi, can I smell your keys?
  9. Lurking is cool... Most of you should try it for a few years.
  10. We are in the kitchen, just say Gabe.
  11. Gabe gives fags with slow cars a bad name
  12. Ladies love me... I'm on my cool j..
  13. I get what you make in 10 years in 2 days...
  14. Cr is priceless. Do you know how many hours of work and labor have been avoided while employees were still paid thanks to this site? I personally have made over $10k while reading and posting over the years.
  15. Having Gabe on the site drops the resale value more than a section 8 house in Dublin
  16. Shes more likely to choke and die way before cancer becomes an issue.
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