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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. http://topnews.in/light/files/Sylvester-Stallone_4_0.jpg :fuckyeah:
  2. Its no different than the "SS" or "SRT" tag.
  3. I went to Dan Tobin to get my oil changed and hollar at my dude Howard in the service department. While I was there I saw one of these in the showroom. Cant say I would drop $48k on a new one but I can see myself owning one in about 2 years. Its extrememly comfortable with 3 row seating. They even went as far as having volume and radio controls in the back for tailgating along with the heated seats and other comfort perks. They are pretty badass for what they are and have a nice look to them. http://www.caranddriver.com/news/car/09q4/2011_gmc_acadia_denali-auto_shows/gallery Thoughts?
  4. V8 Beast

    School Levys

    Yeah, some do teach summer school and help with over the summer programs. Like Waggz said the good ones are helping kids year round and do volunteer work with in need students. A lot of them also have second jobs they work over the summer. I would never question how much they make. Knowing they have to deal with my daughter everyday $148k a year and an 02 cougar as a bonus are in order. My taxes just went up again QFT I have nothing else to add. I just wanted to quote everyone on this page.
  5. V8 Beast

    School Levys

    I would rather have the value of the school based on the skill of the teachers not the elevator in the lobby.
  6. I lived in Athens for a while. I still have the herpes to prove it.
  7. V8 Beast

    School Levys

    I agree. Everyone should contribute but those with kids currently in the system should pay by the number and have to do volunteer work.
  8. The people on this website are really cool.
  9. Sorry, I missed this completely. It put down 440 on motor with a lot of supporting mods. With it being on a 110 its a little choppy but has good manners. If you plan on getting an ms3 on a 113 just get the 233/239 texas speed cam on a 112. Its a little tamer and works better at lower rpm's. In all honesty the only reason you should buy my cam is if you wanted to save money. Its ok on spray but there is some blow by. It was the cam I had in there at Jegs. Also the cam I had in when I ran 10.7. Its a good cam, just probably not what you need. I tried to find some clips of it and all I found was this old vid http://www.streetfire.net/video/the-beast_189519.htm
  10. V8 Beast

    School Levys

    They are stripping Hilliard schools of so much right now its not even funny. I personally am in a position to be able to vote yes. This is even though the taxes on my house have quadrupled over the last 5 years. A lot of people are seeing it as the straw that's going to break the camels back. I have kids in school so I'm more sympathetic to the situation and will do my part to help. It just really pisses me off that we are spending so much to build these awesome schools then on the back end ask us to pay the teachers. I dont care how great and high tech the school is. Without teachers and solid educational programs its just a high tech waste of money. To Robs point I would like to say... Thank you uncle sam for pulling the plug on our schools and leaving all those Americans that are foreclosing on homes and filing bankruptcy to pick up the slack. My kids appreciate it.
  11. V8 Beast

    School Levys

    What he is saying is they suck at managing money.
  12. The bionic has battery issues and the software is being updated.
  13. V8 Beast

    School Levys

    Even if you do pay it they say the same thing the very next year. At this point we should just start a public home school system.
  14. V8 Beast

    Dear Obama

    Its the truth I tell you! I googled the first line and was matching it up when she asked me to answer a question.
  15. V8 Beast

    School Levys

    They cut bussing, teachers, sports along with other after school activities, books/materials, field trips, then ask for more money. Its a damn shame thats what it is...
  16. V8 Beast

    Dear Obama

    I failed. That was suppose to be a double post with the link Ben posted. No one types that much! My boss asked me to pay attention in the meeting and I forgot about it :dumb:
  17. I have ethics. I tell my wife before I fuck a hooker and use protection.
  18. V8 Beast

    Dear Obama

    Damn, I thought you were just lurking all of this time. Come to find out it took a month for you to make this post.... On a more serious note I think I get your point.
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