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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I dont care about gas milage at all. My Job is less than 10 miles from my house. I waste more on bs at the grocery store than I do on gas so I stopped caring about it. What did you hate about the durango?
  2. 2003 Eddie Bauer Explorer 4x4. $5,999 123k 5.4l V8 2000 Navigator (listed here.. may be sold soon) $4800 140k miles 2005 Durango Limited. $8,999 114k 5.7L Hemi.. ugly but efkin loaded!
  3. You are starting to look like a stalker....
  4. The phone runs a bunch of crap you dont need. For some reason phone manufacturers think people actually want this stuff. If I could root my damn phone I would just to delete the dumb stuff Verizon and HTC added. I am seriously not going to pay for the navigator when googles is free and works better.
  5. Connect it to your home wifi over night and see if it drains slower. Could be an issue with the cellular antenna.
  6. All phones are like that. Once you get in the land of the warranty its hard to get out of it. Does your phone gethot in like 10 seconds when you use data?
  7. Remember that part about swapping your phone out early if you get a lemon.... My friend sent hers back and the new one is fine. Same issue with the phone basicaly draining itself in less than 7 hours. I've been on my hotspot for 2 hours and am at 80% battery. Posting from it now at work.
  8. I'm going to have to go check this place out.
  9. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast.

    This is ebattle.. no boobs. guys and argues. hate and type. jerkoff later.
  10. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast.

  11. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast.

    Fuck you! You know what.. Since I am apparently not me then I guess I am whatever you say I am. If I wasnt me then why would I say I am? In the posts, the forums everyday I am.... I dont know why, its just the way I am.
  12. If you want the dog you may want to pick him up while he's still in one piece In 45 minutes he managed to chew up my wifes plants, a pair of shoes, 2 teddy bears, a pair of glasses, a bar of soap, and the back of a kitchen knife. This is even though he had 3 bones and a rope at his disposal. Its my fault for trusting the kids to "watch" a puppy while I went out to eat with Anthony, Tina, and Waggz. Cant be too mad because no one was there to correct him. I guess we can add chewer to the negative list... and a fast one at that. At this point he'll probably be back at the pound in a week. If anyone has the time to train him he's a really good puppy. I'm just at work so much these days that I dont have enough time and the kids that talked me into getting him are not helping anywhere near as much as they did with Zeus. As you know he's still new to me so Im still feeling him out as I go. I just want to make sure the new owner has as few surprises as possible.
  13. Yeah, they all cant be as good as me. Not bad for only playing like 2 hours a week http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0197-1.jpg
  14. Locked, locked, locked, and locked. P.s. I dont nap at the tree... Im just resting my eyes.
  15. V8 Beast

    wow fuck

    Does it count as a three way if you use both hands and a foot?
  16. What fun is it to run around a first person shooter knowing where everyone is and having aim bots for auto heat shots? I just watched a playback from my nephews game. The guy on the other team had like 61 head shots in one match. 137 kills, and only died while he was in his chopper gunner. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB4jeN3dGow&feature=player_embedded#at=83 If you are playing people that seem to good to be true, or seem to know your every move you now know why. This is the reason I barely play video games. The ones above have been patched but they make new ones every week
  17. You aint got nothing on me! You and me, heads up! Winner gets -$200.
  18. Whats better about the springs over the air ride?
  19. There will be. We keep those things in abundance at work due to all the lunch meetings we have.
  20. Perfect Matt you are lucky, I was going to put a 100mm turbo in the shape of a passenger seat in my car. Kinda like a sneaky Pete but its called a sneaky Tim. Your S10 didnt have a chance
  21. I just remembered all the fan club shirts we had made. You are under contract as Dr. Z06 for another year. It would be in your best interest to not jump ship at this time...
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