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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Buckeye fans are some negative people Hey... I have a secret.... we're still winning.
  2. Nice review! A lot of people dont know that the processor in that thing is slightly faster than the rest of the android phones out there. I myself will be sporting an Olympus in a few months :nod:
  3. Based on what the 500hp camaro can do I would say I'm very close on my estimate... maybe 5mph off.
  4. When I searched google the first thing that came up was a thread from march of 08 dealing with the same thing. What I was trying to say is a normal person wouldn't search audi centercap paint warranty when doing research.
  5. Yeah, next cook out we should move it to the driveway
  6. http://www.theclawproductions.com/speedfreaks/Explosion.gif
  7. Are you heating ceramic logs, real wood, or none of the above? Is the fireplace ventless or vented? http://www.fireplacesnow.com/VentingOptions.asp If its vented you should consider having it serviced as it may be clogged by a birds nest or other things.. The button with the star on it appears the be the ignitor (need to turn pilot on). The Red handle on the right is to turn on the gas, and the hi low is to adjust the volume of gas to control the fire. There may be another red handled gas valve you need to open in the basement so keep that in mind if it doesnt appear that any gas is coming out. I would look for a model number on the fireplace and google it for instructions just to be safe.
  8. Discount Tires did something similar for me with my chrome replica's back in the day. Its a known issue. Most of the people have no luck but a few here and there have had them fixed by the dealership. On Joes end with it being a known issue he could have caught that before purchasing... but paint on the center cap isnt something that falls under a deal breaker in most of our minds.
  9. Yes. I would only see about 177.32mph but I would pay about 150 - 200 to try.
  10. Only way he gets what he deserves is if he is ass raped with barbed wire and a splintered broom stick for eternity while being forced to listen to soulja boy.... RIP
  11. I know you saw the lock down defense I was to the qb before the ball was. I told Dave we were going to blitz him the first half and just when they thought they know what we are doing.. boom! Worked to perfection, just started about 2 scores too late lol. P.S. This post was made from a bathtub filled with epson salt while sipping prune juice.
  12. YESIRRRR!!!!!! Down 28 to 7 at half time we go apeshit in the second half, We shut down their offense and scored at will. With 13 seconds left on the clock Steve dumps the ball to Leigh after being rushed by two guys. Leigh then somehow runs through 3 guys for the equivilent of a 60 yard touchdown. At this point the score is 28 to 27 with 3 seconds left. As a team we decide to go for two! We put "BIG" Steve at receiver to give us an advantage. Steve, while being grabbed by 3 guys, jumps in the air and catches the ball with one hand for the game winning 2 point conversion!!!! Shit was bananas!!!!! Great work team! Thanks Phil, and Jason. Phil we used your defense so you had a big part in this!
  13. I've seen this statment a lot in the last year. Has it replaced the need for additional cowbell?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Dlexd6hils
  15. You guys are making fun of these people but trees are alive. They eat and grow and help supply us with air. You see one tree but people like us see a fallen peice of the circle of life. Each tree has a place, and each tree deserves a long life. Seeing a tree cut down at such a young age makes me sick. Also, if you have a tree in your house I urge you to set it free. Trees are not meant to be caged up indoors. Take it to a forrest to live with its family and visit it often to show it you still care. Give it love and if people call you a tree hugger simply smile and say thank you.
  16. Repost... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87759 of a repost http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87770&highlight=fast+furious
  17. Verdict = SOL There is no way you can prove that its not her fault. As stated they can bring up salt, maintenance, cleaning with abrasive materials, etc. Unless you have months worth of footage showing how and when you washed it, where the car was stored, and where it was driven you should just give up. If they do replace them it will be 100% courtesy. Same thing happened with my edge. Not sure what the last owner or the dealership did but when I went to wash the car my microfiber towel made the wheels started flaking all over the place. Ford laughed at me and pointed out the as is part of the purchase agreement. All I could do was show them 5 paid in full GM cars over the last 10 years and say this is $140K in profits your company will never see... not that they even cared.
  18. First to double post by accident
  19. Assumed prejudice in one thread and religion bashing in another Lets just talk about fucking cars and delete all the other areas.
  20. Video games, drinking sparking juice with the kids and acting drunk, watching Resident Evil, then I'll probably play with myself and try to finish at exactly 12:00.
  21. QUICK 6ers = Champions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did it!!!!
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