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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. V8 Beast

    Epic posts

    Oh the good ol days of the kitchen, I just laughed so loud! That douche canoe video was epicly epic!
  2. We were up there like "are you serious!" I bet that guy is so awesome that he sits by the hospital so he can 40 roll ambulances.
  3. Field 2 away team, 8pm. Had a rough night.. just woke up.
  4. https://www.ezcracker.com/Default.aspx?MID=537662
  5. V8 Beast

    Tonight 12/11

    I worked around the corner so me and a few others that got off at 11 would stop over and play pool. Different... double meh. I'll just drink in my bed, play 360, and scream at teenagers.
  6. He/she wasnt in the wrong.. but he/she wasnt in the right either. The vic driver was car deep in the gray area.
  7. Possibly.. just dont do the, "if you want a ride home you have to do something for me" stuff again.
  8. V8 Beast

    Tonight 12/11

    Ditto, used to be my place of choice on my night crew days.
  9. Are you shipping or is this pick up only? Interested in the calipers.
  10. I was wrong on my speed guestimate. I was judging the speed based on my car not thinking that I'm over 200whp above stock and changed my shift points. With minimal mods, and the shift from 2 - 3, the car would have topped out around 95 before letting out of it. The number of down shifts shows that he is braking so my new mph guestimate is 65mph at the point of the crash. If the car is stock or braking harder then guessed it will be less than that.
  11. The vic going across the street appeared to be going about 4mph faster than parked. If you dont expect speeding and creep your car into the intersection you are not judging based on on the cars on the road. Thats the only thing that makes sense for how slow he was going across a 3 lane highway. If you exchange the ricers for a police car doing 100mph is the police car at fault? I mean you dont expect a police car to be flying down a road. I saw a lady almost get taken out at Post and 161 this way. I know we have all had sirens come by us so fast that you cant hear them until they are extrememly close. So a soccer mom doing 75 is less likely to cause a crash than a camaro going 75? Have you not seen how people late for work drive???? There are plenty of tickets handed out for doing 30 over the limit everyday. I guess technically its the other way around because the exhaust on the race car is typically louder. You are more likely to hear them speeding since they are not purposely quieted down.... but at the same time the suv would be bigger and easier to see so its kind of a draw.
  12. This.. We are not pushing any kind of blame. What we are saying is if you cant judge the difference between 40 and 70 then the end result will be a crash. If not ricers then a soccer mom thats late for choir practice.
  13. Glad to hear you are ok Ben.
  14. V8 Beast

    Epic posts

    Post past epicness. I'll start...
  15. What he is saying is those cars are slow as dirt. Speaking od racing... Who races their spouses? I love taking seperate ways home from the same location to see who gets their first. Only rule is you cant go more than 5 miles above the speed limit. I always lose because red lights hate me
  16. Based on your post I'm going to assume your judgment is clouded by past activities. If you read the thread you will notice people stopped blaming the vic. What we are saying is the driver is stupid for putting his car in front of oncoming traffic. The fact that the other party was involved in illegal activity negates who is at fault so stop bringing it up.. thats not up for debate. Pay close attention and you might notice that the person on this forum that is most against street racing is actually in this thread. As a matter of fact he just typed as a matter of fact.... In real life people speed and do all kinds of things they are not suppose to. This is one of the reasons you are required to have working eyes before you get a drivers license. Putting your car in front of other moving vehicles is bad for your health.
  17. Chandler Arizona is in my future. Relocating for business reasons once the wife is able to transfer with.
  18. Phil does a great job of staying banned
  19. V8 Beast

    CR tension

  20. I must have been high because I dont remember quoting the post that you dont remember posting because you were high. By chance... does your ass hurt too?
  21. I like this story.. best one yet. You're on the show! Send Tim a pic and we'll get the L&O pic updated.
  22. Looks like he went big all the way home
  23. Wow, it takes a lot of work to get banned from infractions
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