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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Same reason we spend millions and pile up things we never use in government warehouses. If we could get someone that new how to actually budget they could take a little bit from everything we are wasting money on and be out of debt in 15 years. Instead we give criminals internet, food choices, and suggestion boxes... I got an idea, dont rape people and you wont have to ask for curtains to make your cell feel more like home. If anything take the money and give the gaurds a raise.
  2. I saw that, it pissed me off. They should be in empty cells, have to earn their right to sleep on a bed, and get fed vitamin fortified slop 3 times a day. The rest of the time and money should go to showing them how to live in society and be worth a damn... In jail watching soap opera's and eating pizza
  3. V8 Beast


    proof http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/graph.jpg
  4. V8 Beast


    Phil - Wutz up Brian? Brian - ... Phil - Wutz that mean? Brian - lol Phil - Wutz so funny? Brian - lmao Phil - lol Brian - hahahahahaha Phil - Wanna come over? Brian - ...
  5. V8 Beast


    Off topic... When you repsond to someone with lol, even though you are not laughing, does it make you feel like a liar? How about when you type rofl but at the time you are in being in a public restroom so rolling on the floor is out of the question? And since when did "lol" turn into the new way to say goodbye? I miss the ttyl days
  6. V8 Beast


    saystheguy.that-copiedJones.com and gaytroll/threadcreator.edu
  7. I think he said something like "Be quiet, have some respect" to two rows worth of rowdy idiots then got them kicked out. I dont know about you but if they are disprespectful and rowdy to begin with I skip the tough guy routine and go right to the manager. At least that way they dont tie it back to me and put my girl in danger. I can hold my own but engaging 20 people is stupid... even with a gun. If you shoot one and 6 others have guns you just committed suicide for something that could have been prevented. Anyone that punches a woman is a worthless bitch, and anyone that needs a group to fight someone are worthless bitches... unless its Chuck Norris or MacGyver.. then I would suggest having 40 people, a stick of gum, and a stapler.
  8. V8 Beast


  9. V8 Beast


    Fucking retards.
  10. V8 Beast


    What you are looking at is not text... This is a picture of a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign while holding a picture of a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign that has a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign that has what looks to be a gay guy on a bike holding a fail sign... wrapped in bacon.
  11. Just an fyi, if you wait past 30 days you could be in for some stress so dont rely on the note. Good luck with everything, good to hear you like the phone. android for life
  12. Your phone shouldnt be doing that. Did it happen as soon as you took it out of the box or did it gradually get worse? A lot of times apps that are downloaded cause the phone to act up. You have 30 days to take it back. You could wipe the phone to see if that helps or just get a new one at no charge. It may seem like a little issue now but it will probably eat away at you if it keeps happening or gets worse. Just wait for the one time you need to make a quick important call and the phone shuts off on you...
  13. Like said 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times before.. The ncaa can make billions off of these kids but dont give them an "allowance" or allow them to work jobs. Having free housing, education, and food is great, but what about things in real life that cost money? If the kids had spare change a lot of the accidental mistakes that happend wouldnt occur. Yes you would have the occasional idiot that would use the money to buy hookers and blow but isnt that really just getting them prepared for the pros...
  14. Thanks for the names! The S&W, and Bushmaster I saw were pretty expensive too. Scott, I'll shot you a pm in late February if I decide to get one.
  15. I've been shooting enough recently to where I blistered my hands. The AR-15 would be for target practice and I saw it in a zombie movie and just had to have it The 1911 is for home protection. I actually like the colt. I saw a few other models but there are so many and so many different opinions that I stayed with the colt since that one seems to be mentioned and typically gets good reviews. This is more of a point me in the right direction thread to streamline the education process. When you have 100 to chose from and stores only carry so much you can't get a feel before buying. For 550 I may take you up on that come February. Roughly how many rounds have gone through it?
  16. I'll save you a bed. Bring some corn holes to keep us busy after surgery.
  17. My short list of firearms at this point are a .45 Springfeld 1911 and a Colt AR-15. As you know these models are pretty pricey. If trying to be budget conscious what other manufacturs could I look into without losing too much on quality?
  18. Good game guys... Now I'm off to clean the duece out of my underwear from that blocked punt.
  19. THANKS FOR THE HEART ATTACK YOU FUCKERS!! If you fumble the snap while taking a knee I'm going to need cpr...
  20. That was a winfail my friend. A win in the anti conservative department and a fail of execution. Now lets run it up the middle 3 times and give them the ball back
  21. Tressel going for it on 4th down? Thats not like him at all. I applaud him for the call.. hold onto the damn ball!!!!!
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